Richborough Roman Fort and Amphitheatre

Richborough: Gateway to Britannia

Richborough Roman Fort and Amphitheatre re-opened in 2023 after a renovation project to transform the way we tell its story. Richborough was a very important port and town for Roman Britannia, acting as a gateway to the empire as well as a vital trading node. We have changed the visitor experience to reveal the true significance of Richborough (or Rutupiae as it was known) and its place within the Roman world.

A reconstruction of the Richborough triumphal arch as it may have looked from the waterfront in about AD 120
© Historic England (illustration by Peter Lorimer)

Inspiration for the project

Archaeological excavations have uncovered vast numbers of Roman finds at Richborough, but our previous museum had limited space and lacked modern display cases to put these fascinating discoveries on display. Redevelopment of the museum was at the centre of the project and created more space with an entirely new design and layout. This enabled us to display fine Roman objects safely and securely, alongside a new permanent exhibition to tell the wonderful story of Richborough and its people.

New information panels have been installed around the site, based on the latest research of the area, whilst new accessible paths have made the fort easier to get around for more people. We have also constructed a wooden gateway and tower, with adjacent earth and timber rampart, to simulate how one may have been built by the Roman army when it first landed in Britain in AD 43.

The Plans

The renovation project covered five main areas:

  • The overhaul of the visitor reception centre created a new museum to display archeological finds from Richborough.
  • The installation of new information panels on site, with a new family trail and audio guide.
  • The construction of a Roman wooden gateway, tower, and rampart as was built by soldiers under Claudius when they first arrived in Britain.
  • The development of a new programme of activities and opportunities for local schools and the engagement of the local community.
  • The excavation of the nearby Roman amphitheatre to assess its state of preservation and how it fits into the story of Richborough’s development.

Working with our community

Community engagement has been a high priority throughout the project as Richborough’s Roman heritage holds significant value for local people. We have developed a programme of activities and opportunities, including increased engagement with schools and working in partnership with local charities. We have also built a strong and committed group of volunteers to help us care for Richborough for present and future generations, and to help make a visit to Richborough as fascinating and rewarding as possible.

Volunteering Opportunities

Exploring Diversity at Richborough

English Heritage worked with Kent Refugee Action Network (KRAN) on the Gateway to Britannia project, culminating in a site visit to discover the rich heritage and diversity of Roman Richborough. 

Book Your Visit
KRAN Pottery & Filmmaking

KRAN Pottery & Filmmaking

KRAN Pottery & Filmmaking
In Feb 2023, young people from Kent Refugee Action Network visited Richborough in the culmination of a months' long project to explore diversity in Roman Britain. Working with experts, they experimented with Roman pottery techniques and created a documentary film to help others learn about Richborough Roman Fort.
Land Art Community Day

Land Art Community Day

Land Art Community Day
In Aug 2021, local people created a piece of artwork inspired by Richborough Roman Fort using pigments sourced from the landscape.
Stargazing at Richborough

Stargazing at Richborough

Stargazing at Richborough
In Feb 2023, local people took part in stargazing workshops, learning how the study of the night skies connects us to the ancient inhabitants of Roman settlements like Richborough.
Archaeological Volunteering

Archaeological Volunteering

Archaeological Volunteering
Between Sep and Nov 2021, local people volunteered to help English Heritage and Historic England excavate Richborough's Roman Amphitheatre.
'Archaeology in Action' tours

'Archaeology in Action' tours

'Archaeology in Action' tours
Between Sep and Nov 2021, dedicated 'Archaeology In Action' volunteers guided schools, community groups, and members of the public around the excavation of Richborough's Roman Amphitheatre -- a once in a lifetime experience for all involved.

We would like to thank the National Lottery Heritage Fund for their generous support of this project

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Explore Richborough

Guidebook: Richborough and Reculver

Price: £4.50