Membership FAQs
Still deciding about membership? Find answers to some of our most frequently asked questions. If we've not been able to answer your question, our customer support team are on hand to help.
Already an English Heritage Member? Visit the Members' Area to see personalised inspiration for days out. You can also find some frequently asked questions about the Members' Area (and answers!) further down this page. Use the hyperlinks to quickly navigate to a section.
About Membership
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Where will membership take you?
Living, breathing, inspiring: history isn't just something to read about, it's something to experience.
- Try on clothes of 1930s millionaires in an Art Deco mansion
- Stand where King Harold fell in 1066
- See some of Queen Victoria's treasured possessions
- Look into the eyes of a Stonehenge native
- Play board games in a Roman villa
Whether you're looking to give the kids a day to remember, or you'd like to explore England's story, membership opens up over 400 historic places and hundreds of events all year long.
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