
Creepy castles to visit this Halloween

Are you brave enough to climb the highest, mightiest towers and delve into the deepest, darkest tunnels?

Visit one of England's historic places this Halloween and feed your imagination. With hundreds of years of gruesome history and bloody battles, castles are not for the faint of heart...


The site of Carlisle Castle in the North West of England has faced many sieges and bloody battles, making it an excellent site for spooky goings on.

Venturing into the depths of the massive castle keep, you'll discover the chilling 'Licking Stones' in the castle dungeon. The famous stones are said to have been worn smooth by the tongues of the poor prisoners licking the damp walls to get enough moisture to stay alive.

Another of the castle's creepy tales is that of the walled up skeletons, discovered by workmen in the Captain's Tower in 1819. Spooky!

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Step into medieval life at Warkworth Castle and discover dark crypts, imposing stone walls and huge fireplaces where kitchen staff worked over bubbling cauldrons.

Whatever you do though, don't disturb the ghost of the Grey Lady, who is often seen wandering around one of the towers.

With spectacular river and coastal views from the castle walls and extensive play areas, this mighty fortress stands proudly in the North East of England and is well worth a visit.

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This impressive castle, with stunning views over South Yorkshire, still fires the imagination today.

Don't miss the chance to stand in the magnificent keep, where some visitors have reported feeling a strange ghostly wind.

Delve into the medieval world of Lord and Lady de Warenne (who built it), and enjoy the grassy areas around the castle walls for games and picnics.

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Goodrich Castle is one of the finest and best preserved of all English medieval castles, but it's seen its fair share of gruesome conflict.

Pick up a free audio guide and hear about its eventful past during the famous Civil War siege and see the 'murder holes' built into the castle walls. It's here where defenders are said to have thrown nasty things such as rocks and hot sand onto the heads of oncoming attackers.

The grassy courtyard is also the perfect place to burn off excess energy or enjoy a picnic, making a visit to Goodrich Castle a great family day out in the West Midlands.

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Bolsover Castle in the East Midlands is said to be one of the country's most haunted castles and you'll certainly be spooked by its eerie tales.

In fact, there are so many reports of paranormal activity that staff keep a special 'ghost book' for visitors to record their experiences.

Will you come across the ghost of Sir Charles himself, who is said to still wander the corridors of his former home, or will you catch the distinct aroma of horses coming from the empty riding school?

With spectacular countryside, a newly restored wall walk and interactive exhibitions, you can spend a whole day exploring Bolsover Castle.

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Hear the intriguing, yet sometimes gruesome stories of the Hungerford family who occupied this fortified mansion in the South West of England for 300 years.

If you're brave enough to enter the crypt, you'll find a burial vault which holds the best collection of human-shaped lead coffins in Britain. The coffins still contain the embalmed remains of four men, two women and two children, thought to be members of the Hungerford family.

If you look closely, you can see that some have faces moulded onto them - death masks cast from the faces of the deceased - a chilling glimpse into the past.

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Roam through centuries of history at Dover Castle for an action-packed day out in the South East.

Look out for ghostly projections of the inhabitants who lived in the Great Tower, descend deep within Dover's White Cliffs to witness the secret wartime tunnels, and experience the sights, sounds and smells of the authentic underground hospital.

Before you get totally absorbed into medieval life though, don't forget to see their exhibition with interactive fun and games for all the family.

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Framlingham Castle's tales of mysterious faces, ghostly footsteps, gothic tragedy and superstition are sure to leave you spellbound.

Once a fearsome fortress, muster your courage and explore its towering walls - home to some of the most powerful people in Tudor England, and then a sanctuary for the poor in the 17th century.

Discover more of Framlingham's stories in their exciting exhibition and walk the walls of the castle to enjoy breath-taking views across the South East of England.

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Feeling brave enough to take on the island's haunted castle?

Prepare to be scared as you wander around the site of many a macabre tale of times gone by including stories of how the occupants of the graveyard met their gruesome demise.

There's so much history to explore here and children will love dressing up as Norman soldiers or Civil War troopers in the gatehouse. Plus, they can meet the castle's resident donkeys who have been drawing up water in the well-house for hundreds of years.

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