Winshields Wall - Hadrian's Wall

Free Entry

Open any reasonable time during daylight hours


Military Road, Once Brewed, Winshields, Northumberland, NE47 7AN

Before You Go

The length of Wall at Winshields is the highest point on Hadrian’s Wall, in rugged country with spectacular views.

Read more about the history of the Wall at Winshields.

Before You Go

Access: The site can only be accessed by foot. The route is exposed to the elements, and liable to be muddy in wet and wintry weather.

Parking: There is parking available (not managed by English Heritage) in Once Brewed, at the Northumberland National Parks visitor centre.

Drone flying:  Please see our Drone guidance

Plan a Great Day Out

Just over five miles from Winshields is Housesteads Roman Fort, where you can experience English Heritage's flagship attraction on Hadrian's Wall. Here you can stand on the edge of the Roman Empire and marvel at the 360 degree views.

For an extended day out, try the Housesteads trail that includes Winshields along with Walltown Crags, Cawfields Roman Wall and Sewingshields Wall.

Guidebook: Hadrian's Wall

Price: £6