
Mobility / Older Visitors
Accessible Toilets
Adult Changing Area
Easy-use Cutlery
Assistance Dogs Welcome
Wheelchair Loan
Site Folders
Dog Bowl and Toileting
There are four dog bins on the outer bailey, one in the car park itself. Water bowls are available outside the shop.
Wheelchair Access
There is a ramp into the shop. The ground level is accessible in the ruins and there is a slope leading to the upper levels (assistance may be required).
Entrance / Set Down
Visitors with disabilities can be set down at the bottom of the bridge. If the driver is disabled, they are welcome to leave the car there, but this must be arranged with the site in advance.
Disabled Parking
There is one disabled bay which cannot be reserved.
OnSite Transport
No Information Available
There is a staircase with a slope next to it to enable wheeled access.
Lift Access
No Information Available
Seating And Restpoints
There is a bench at the top of the bridge.
Pathways Surface And Gradients
The main pathway on the site is tarmac and there is also a bonded gravel driveway with a steep wooden bridge.
Blind / Visually Impaired
Accessible Toilets
Assistance Dogs Welcome
Braille Guides
Braille Signage
Sensory Experiences
Dog Bowl and Toileting
There are four dog bins on the outer bailey, one in the car park itself. Water bowls are available outside the shop.
Handling Objects
The walls can be touched. If booked in advance a handing collection can be arranged.
Audio Tours
Tactile Models
Areas Of Low Lighting
Colour Contrasts
Large Print
Deaf / Hard of Hearing
Assistance Dogs Welcome
Vibrating Fire Alarms
Tour Transcripts
Film Subtitles
BSL Tours
Audio Installation Transcripts
Dog Bowl and Toileting
There are four dog bins on the outer bailey, one in the car park itself. Water bowls are available outside the shop.
Induction Loops
An induction loop is fixed in the shop.
Learning Difficulties
Accessible Toilets
Adult Changing Area
Easy-use Cutlery
Sensory Experiences
Handling Objects
The walls can be touched. If booked in advance a handing collection can be arranged.
Basic Language Audio Tours
Easy Read Material
Large Print Material
Culinary / Dietary
Easy-use Cutlery
Bottle / Food Warming
High Chairs
Health And Safety
Trip Hazard
The site has rabbit holes as well as historic lumps and bumps. Most are obvious as we aim to keep the grass short.
Sheer Drop
There are some sheer drops from the ruins but these are mostly barriered off.
Slip Hazard
In the winter the footpaths, especially the chalk ones, can become very slippery.
Steep Slope
The site is on a hill with steep slopes all around the edges and a large flat area on top.
Beware Of Traffic
If walking to the site from main road please beware of a small section of road on entrance to the inner bailey which is narrow and used by both cars and pedestrians.
Uneven Ground
The grassy areas are prone to being uneven due to digging by rabbits.