Members' Panel

Members' Panel: Your chance to join

Discover our Members' Panel; find out who they are, what they get up to and how you can join in.

What is the members' panel?

The Members' Panel is a small but diverse group of adventurous and enthusiastic English Heritage Members – of all ages and backgrounds – who have been recruited to the role of 'English Heritage Members' panellist'.

From exclusive previews to action-packed family activities and events, our Members' Panel make the most of their membership and keeping us informed of their adventures along the way.

What does the Members' Panel do?

Members' panellists review days out at our properties and events across the country, share photos of their visits, and inspire others with stories about how they make the most of English Heritage membership.

They receive extra emails at least quarterly – alongside their regular newsletters – with opportunities to get involved in a range of activities and experiences, whether that's taking part in surveys, or even being in a film or photoshoot.

We ask our Members' panellists to give us their thoughts and feedback on all sorts of things we do, and how we develop our plans for the future. From the products we have in our shops, to what they want to hear about on our podcast, our Members' panellists' views help us to make sure English Heritage membership is as inspiring as possible.

How to become a members' panellist

We're still looking for people of all ages and from all backgrounds to join our Members' Panel. If becoming a Members' panellist sounds right up your street then we'd love to hear from you.

You'll need to fill in a quick questionnaire telling us a little bit about yourself and how you use your membership. Please also take a few moments to read the terms and conditions of Members' Panel membership below.

Sign up now
  • Members' Panel Terms and Conditions

    1. You may only join the Members' Panel if you are a current Member of English Heritage at the date of your application.
    2. If you do not renew your membership, your membership of the Members' Panel will stop on the date when your membership ends. You may then need to reapply for membership of the Members' Panel if you subsequently re-join as an English Heritage Member.
    3. To join the Members' Panel you are required to submit an online form.
    4. Multiple applications will not be accepted.
    5. The number of applicants we choose and the basis for selection will be at the discretion of English Heritage.
    6. English Heritage Members who were panellists prior to March 2022 will need to re-apply and willl not be automatically added to the Members' Panel.
    7. We do not cover travel, additional expenses, spending money or any other personal expenses unless explicity stated.
    8. As a Members' panellist you consent to:
       a. receiving communications from English Heritage (primarily email but occasionally post or telephone);
       b. your comments and feedback being used as quotes and testimonials on the English Heritage website, in promotional material, across social media and in the Members’ Magazine;
       c. any photograph(s) you send us, including the image and the likeness of you and your family (you understand that you/they may be recognisable in these photographs) being used and made available by English Heritage for any lawful purpose including publicity and reference materials.
    9. If we are unable to set up the Members' Panel we will let you know as soon as possible.
    10. English Heritage reserves the right to withdraw membership of the Members' panel or disband the Members' Panel at any time.