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Donate an Object

We welcome gifts of historic objects, works of art and properties to enhance the National Heritage Collection.

Gifts of Objects

Previous gifts to English Heritage include the stunning collection of Old Master paintings on display at Kenwood House, donated by Lord Iveagh.

We welcome gifts of historic objects that enhance the National Collection of historic buildings, artefacts and works of art. When accepting the gift of an object we must ensure that the acquisition is in line with our Collections Development Policy and that we have the resources available to display and care for the gifts. As a result, it is not always possible for us to accept donations of objects. However, in the event that we cannot accommodate your gift, we may be able to suggest an alternative recipient.

If you have an object you wish to donate, please fill out the form below.

Object Donation Enquiry Form

Gifts of Properties

As with gifts of objects English Heritage welcomes the offer of gifts of properties but we must ensure they can be properly cared for before we accept them into the collection.

In order for English Heritage to consider accepting a property, it must be of national historic significance, usually Grade 1 listed.

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  • Donate Now

    Donate today and help care for historic places spanning 6,000 years of English history

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    Gifts in Wills help ensure that generations to come can enjoy our historic places just as much as you do today

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