The Inspiration for Belsay
Charles Monck’s Grand Tour Diaries

This is a most charming view, and improved every step as we descended […] Coming out of the wood [of olives], Athens again is seen much more beautiful than before. Now you distinguish the ruins of the Parthenon on the Acropolis, and the Theseion below
So wrote Sir Charles Monck of Belsay in his diary in May 1805, as he and his wife Louisa approached Athens, the goal of their ‘Grand Tour’ – an extended honeymoon tour of Europe (1804–6).
This tour, a later journey around Sicily in 1831, and the diaries that Monck kept during his travels, tell us a great deal about his passion for Greek architecture, the classical world and the natural landscape. We delve into the pages of these records, which combine Monck’s emotive responses to the ancient sites he visited with his detailed sketches and descriptions. They give us a rare insight into his experience and how this may have influenced the redesign of the Belsay estate on his return.

Charles Monck photographed in 1865
Charles Monck photographed in 1865
Sir Charles Monck’s sketch of Louisa © Published with permission of the Belsay Estate and Northumberland County Archives Service
Sir Charles Monck’s sketch of Louisa © Published with permission of the Belsay Estate and Northumberland County Archives Service
Charles Monck (1779–1867) was born into the Middleton family, who had held the Belsay estate almost continuously since the 13th century. Charles inherited Belsay at 16, unexpectedly and early after two elder brothers, and then his father, died. He was guardian to his two sisters, and assumed full stewardship of the estates at just 19 years old.
Charles married his first wife (and cousin), Louisa Cooke (d.1824), at Doncaster on 11 September 1804, and the couple set off immediately on their honeymoon journey, which would take them across Europe to Greece on a Grand Tour of the continent.
Louisa was equally as committed to seeing the sites of Europe as her husband. She travelled the mountainous roads of Greece by mule while heavily pregnant before giving birth to a son, Charles Atticus, on 18 July 1805, during their stay in Athens. She was venturesome enough to go exploring along the Parthenon pediment just a few weeks later.
From the 17th to the 19th centuries, continental travel for the wealthy British, and later the professional middle classes, centred on the Grand Tour. This was a tour taking in the main cultural highlights of western Europe. Itineraries varied, but generally followed established patterns, focused on Italy, Paris and classical sites in southern France.
Travellers with antiquarian interests increasingly visited Greece in the later 18th century, but for the majority of travellers, Rome was the usual goal, with Venice, Florence and Naples among other key destinations. For Charles and Louisa, however, war conditions at the time of their travels ruled out most of these usual routes.
News is come of the English fleet having fought the combined French and Spanish off Cadiz […] and that Lord Nelson was shot dead.
Charles Monck kept an extensive travel diary during the couple’s trip and several entries such as this one that records the news of Lord Nelson’s death, remind us that their travels unfolded amid the Napoleonic Wars.
Another account below, which we have recorded as audio, describes a ‘near miss’ with French privateers:
This partly accounts for their itinerary, travelling to Greece via Denmark, Germany, Bohemia, Austria and northern Italy, then back via Malta – a less common variation on the Grand Tour.
This 19th-century painting by Carl Spitzweg is a satirical portrayal of English tourists on their Grand Tour. They take in the site of a ruined temple in Italy with unenthused expressions. © National Museums in Berlin, National Gallery / Jörg P. Anders Public Domain Mark 1.0
This 19th-century painting by Carl Spitzweg is a satirical portrayal of English tourists on their Grand Tour. They take in the site of a ruined temple in Italy with unenthused expressions. © National Museums in Berlin, National Gallery / Jörg P. Anders Public Domain Mark 1.0
An extract from Charles Monck’s journal, describing his visit to Eleusis, including one of his sketches of classical sculpture © Published with permission of the Belsay Estate and Northumberland County Archives Service
An extract from Charles Monck’s journal, describing his visit to Eleusis, including one of his sketches of classical sculpture © Published with permission of the Belsay Estate and Northumberland County Archives Service
Inspiring Belsay

When the Moncks returned from their travels in 1806, Charles turned his attention to his estate at Belsay. He almost immediately began work on a new hall, alongside developing the grounds and gardens in order to create a ‘picturesque’ landscape.
Today, the varied elements of Monck’s Belsay estate can at first seem like parts of a jigsaw that are hard to fit together. On one side of the estate sits an austere classical hall and on the other there is the shell of a medieval castle.
Between them in the landscape, the formal flower gardens contrast with the wilder areas of the Quarry Garden and the Crag Wood, perched above a lake.
Monck’s travel diaries provide clues as to how these varied elements may all be linked together in a unified vision – primarily inspired by the ancient Greek sites he visited and their natural settings.
In the aerial tour of Belsay below, you can listen to recorded extracts from Monck’s travel diaries and read more about how his experiences in Greece and Sicily tied into his vision for the estate.
On the east side of the estate sits the classically inspired hall which Sir Charles built in 1807–17.
The front of Belsay Hall
The front of Belsay Hall
Instead of employing an architect, Monck designed the hall himself, drawing inspiration from the classical Greek architecture he saw on his Grand Tour. The chief model for the front of the building was the Theseion Temple in Athens, which he first saw on 2 May 1805.
In this diary entry, Monck describes his first approach to Athens as he admires the ‘charming view’ of the city. He expresses a particular appreciation of the Theseion (also known as the Temple of Hephaestus), calling it ‘beautiful in the extreme’.
The Theseion impressed him for its sense of permanence and stability. He sketched it in great detail, making careful measurements, and on his return to Belsay his plan for the hall shows a number of resemblances to the Greek temple.
Monck’s plan for the front of Belsay Hall, which includes notes about the measurements in relation to the Theseion © Published with permission of the Belsay Estate and Northumberland County Archives Service
Monck’s plan for the front of Belsay Hall, which includes notes about the measurements in relation to the Theseion © Published with permission of the Belsay Estate and Northumberland County Archives Service
The severe austerity of the hall’s design often strikes visitors. Monck incorporated elements of Doric architecture into a severely mathematical plan: an exact 100ft (30m) square with rising plinths creating 1ft-square steps. This austerity may also reflect Monck’s enthusiasm for another building style he encountered in Greece, the imposing ‘Cyclopean’ constructions from the earlier Mycenaean age (c.1600–1100 BC).
In this diary entry from his visit to the ancient city of Mycenae, Monck exclaims over the astonishing scale and exquisite craftsmanship of the stonework in the Treasury of Atreus circular tomb. He also made a sketch of the tomb while there.
Inside the Treasury of Atreus, also known as the Tomb of Agamemnon, at Mycenae © Peter Eastland / Alamy Stock Photo
Inside the Treasury of Atreus, also known as the Tomb of Agamemnon, at Mycenae © Peter Eastland / Alamy Stock Photo
As well as designing the hall itself, Monck was concerned with how the hall was seen from different angles in the landscape. For example, he pastured sheep in the fields to the east of the front façade so that when you approach the hall from this side, you encounter a kind of pastoral-picturesque scene.
From his diaries, we know that Monck often viewed ancient Greek sites with a picturesque lens. Major contemporary publications on Greek antiquities also often played up picturesque elements in their illustrations – such as in James Stuart’s engraving of the Temple of Olympian Zeus, which includes a herd of goats in the foreground.
The Arch of Hadrian in Athens with the Temple of Olympian Zeus, depicted in James Stuart’s The Antiquities of Athens, 1794
The Arch of Hadrian in Athens with the Temple of Olympian Zeus, depicted in James Stuart’s The Antiquities of Athens, 1794
The idea of introducing pastoral animals into the vista of Belsay Hall was possibly influenced by such illustrations. Indeed, on his own visit to the same temple in 1805, Monck’s diary entry remarks that the scene was greatly enhanced by the arrival of some goats.
Monck’s sketch of the Theseion Temple in Athens © Published with permission of the Belsay Estate and Northumberland County Archives Service
Monck’s sketch of the Theseion Temple in Athens © Published with permission of the Belsay Estate and Northumberland County Archives Service
Monck’s sketch of the Treasury of Atreus at of Mycenae © Published with permission of the Belsay Estate and Northumberland County Archives Service
Monck’s sketch of the Treasury of Atreus at of Mycenae © Published with permission of the Belsay Estate and Northumberland County Archives Service
A view of Belsay Hall from the east, with sheep grazing in the fields © Susanna Phillippo
A view of Belsay Hall from the east, with sheep grazing in the fields © Susanna Phillippo
A view of Belsay Hall from the east, with sheep grazing in the fields © Susanna Phillippo
A view of Belsay Hall from the east, with sheep grazing in the fields © Susanna Phillippo
Monck designed the garden and landscape at Belsay to work together with the architecture of his new ‘Greek’ hall. Creating a harmony between plant life, natural landscape and architecture was an important element of Monck’s vision for his estate and was something he clearly admired when he visited the classical sites in Greece.
A view of Belsay Hall surrounded by plant life
A view of Belsay Hall surrounded by plant life
The Theseion’s appeal for Monck was heightened by its setting, richly endowed with plant life (in contrast to the then very built-up Acropolis). This diary entry records his evening walk there with Louisa: his attention is equally occupied by caper plants (and some persistent bees).
Like Belsay Hall, the Theseion temple in Athens is surrounded by luscious greenery, as seen in this view from the path below the temple © Susanna Phillippo
Like Belsay Hall, the Theseion temple in Athens is surrounded by luscious greenery, as seen in this view from the path below the temple © Susanna Phillippo
Monck’s enthusiasms for plant life and the landscape alongside architecture are also clear when he visits the famous Doric temples of Aphaia (on 5 July) and Sounion (on 6 September).
In these two extracts from his diary he expresses a lively sense of how the classical stonework is enhanced by the incursion of greenery. He names many of the plants he encounters there. Back at Belsay, planting on the terraces would serve to create the same blend of greenery and Greek architecture in the vistas of Monck’s new hall.
The Temple of Aphaia on Aegina © Susanna Phillippo
The Temple of Aphaia on Aegina © Susanna Phillippo
Monck’s design for the stable block at Belsay © Published with permission of the Belsay Estate and Northumberland County Archives Service
Monck’s design for the stable block at Belsay © Published with permission of the Belsay Estate and Northumberland County Archives Service
Slightly north of the hall is the stable block, also designed by Charles Monck and built between 1807 and 1817. The clock-tower on this building takes the octagonal form of the Tower of the Winds, an ancient monument in the Roman forum of Athens, which Monck visited in June 1805 to witness a Dervish dance performance.
The Tower of the Winds in the Roman forum, Athens © Susanna Phillippo
The Tower of the Winds in the Roman forum, Athens © Susanna Phillippo
Monck’s diary entry for his visit records a rather lukewarm response to the building:
The Tower of the Winds is very rudely worked within. It appears to me that the walls are only one stone thick, and the joinings of the stones are by no means well placed […]. But it has stood above 2000 years therefore one need not say it has been ill constructed
He nonetheless incorporated the form of the tower in his designs for Belsay. As with the hall, Monck kept the design of the stable block plain and did not attempt to copy the sculptural frieze that is present along the top of the Tower of the Winds.
The clock-tower of the stable block at Belsay, which has the same octagonal form as the Tower of the Winds in Athens
The clock-tower of the stable block at Belsay, which has the same octagonal form as the Tower of the Winds in Athens
Monck’s dedication to working out his own architectural designs in classical vein extended to some humbler buildings on the estate, like the Doric pilaster-and-pediment façade for the otherwise very English North Lodge – a rather eccentric addition.
Monck’s plan for the front of the North Lodge at Belsay © Published with permission of the Belsay Estate and Northumberland County Archives Service
Monck’s plan for the front of the North Lodge at Belsay © Published with permission of the Belsay Estate and Northumberland County Archives Service
Monck’s architectural aspirations may have evolved gradually through his travels. Sightseeing and scenic drawing were as important to his programme as architectural study, but he does record detailed observations at many sites and, as time went on, undertook some careful measuring. Once, at Zante, he used a handkerchief to do his measuring, as recorded in this extract from his diary.
Trees, and how they enhance a landscape, are a particular focus of Monck’s scenic interests. Twice in his travel diaries he suggests how a Greek scene could be even finer if trees were planted. At Kefalonia he exclaims:
The shores of the harbour on each side are steep calcareous crags […] the steeps are bare, for the most part, rocky scarps. How beautiful would the harbour be […] if the surrounding steeps were pleasantly covered with wood.
On the road from Thebes to Eleusis, his diary records a stirring sense of excitement over the exceptionally beautiful landscapes, where he is particularly taken by the mountain crags and the pine trees scattered among them.
Back at Belsay, Monck made use of the natural rocky hillside to the south of his new hall to create the Crag Wood, an area he planted with exotic conifers, Scots pine and native hardwoods.
A watercolour depicting the Crag Wood and lake at Belsay, by Lady Georgina Eyre (1808–98) © Historic England Archive
A watercolour depicting the Crag Wood and lake at Belsay, by Lady Georgina Eyre (1808–98) © Historic England Archive
North of the Crag Wood and below its rocky hillside, there was a valley that Monck had dammed in order to form a new lake for his estate. In his diaries, Monck often admires the view of water, with the sea rarely far in the distance at the sites he visited.
Camping near the island port of Aegina, he waxes lyrical about the night and sea, before rising to draw the Doric columns of the Temple of Venus.
The sea view from the Temple of Venus (or Apollo) by Aegina port, enjoyed by Monck while drawing the columns there © Susanna Phillippo
The sea view from the Temple of Venus (or Apollo) by Aegina port, enjoyed by Monck while drawing the columns there © Susanna Phillippo
Such experiences may have influenced the way his new Belsay Hall, and the lake in the surrounding landscape, could be designed to be part of each other’s vista.
From the Crag Wood, Belsay Hall can be seen in the distance beyond the lake and gardens © Susanna Phillippo
From the Crag Wood, Belsay Hall can be seen in the distance beyond the lake and gardens © Susanna Phillippo
The Quarry Gardens at Belsay are possibly its most unique feature. Monck turned the stone quarries that were used to build his new hall into a dramatic, ‘wild’ landscape, richly planted with native greenery.
The Quarry Garden at Belsay today
The Quarry Garden at Belsay today
A central inspiration for this was the ‘Latomie’ quarries in Syracuse, Sicily. Originally a state quarry and prison, they evolved into an awe-inspiring, greenery-enhanced rockscape, which was eventually converted into famous gardens by Capuchin monks after 1582. Monck embraced the idea of a man-made, thoroughly pragmatic construction, transformed both by the artistry of nature and – in Belsay’s case, as latterly in Syracuse – by deliberate human design.
A view of the Syracuse quarries, also known as Latomia, situated north of the city © Susanna Phillippo
A view of the Syracuse quarries, also known as Latomia, situated north of the city © Susanna Phillippo
A sketch of the Quarry Gardens at Belsay being excavated in the early 19th century © Historic England Archive
A sketch of the Quarry Gardens at Belsay being excavated in the early 19th century © Historic England Archive
Inside the Cave of Pan at Vari, Attica © Susanna Phillippo
Inside the Cave of Pan at Vari, Attica © Susanna Phillippo
At Belsay, the Quarry Garden ‘grotto’, shown here, features the deliberate sculpting of the excavated rock, which was part of the quarrying process © Susanna Phillippo
At Belsay, the Quarry Garden ‘grotto’, shown here, features the deliberate sculpting of the excavated rock, which was part of the quarrying process © Susanna Phillippo
A watercolour painting of the Great Arch in the Quarry Garden at Belsay by the Hon. T. Liddell (1800–56) © Published with permission of the Belsay Estate and Northumberland County Archives Service
A watercolour painting of the Great Arch in the Quarry Garden at Belsay by the Hon. T. Liddell (1800–56) © Published with permission of the Belsay Estate and Northumberland County Archives Service
Monck didn’t visit the Syracusan quarries on his Grand Tour, but in September 1805 he toured Attica with the antiquarian Edward Dodwell and his artist friend Simone Pommardi, who had explored the quarries the year before. Monck may have discussed the site with them, and even seen sketches by Pommardi. He would have also drawn inspiration from illustrations such as those seen in William Wilkins’s Antiquities of Magna Graecia, published in 1807, when work on Belsay began: Monck had a copy in his library.
An engraving of the Syracuse quarries from William Wilkins’s The Antiquities of Magna Graecia, published in 1807. Public domain
An engraving of the Syracuse quarries from William Wilkins’s The Antiquities of Magna Graecia, published in 1807. Public domain
Other sites Monck did encounter on his Grand Tour may also have helped inspire Belsay’s Quarry Gardens. On his 1805 Attica tour, he describes extensively the ‘Cave of Pan’ at Vari, with its dramatic rock formations and sequence of underground caverns lit from above.
Charles Monck’s sketch of the Cave of Pan, Attica, in 1805 © Published with permission of the Belsay Estate and Northumberland County Archives Service
Charles Monck’s sketch of the Cave of Pan, Attica, in 1805 © Published with permission of the Belsay Estate and Northumberland County Archives Service
This too, like the quarries at Syracuse, was a place where ‘natural artistry’ had combined with and been exploited by human endeavour to create a setting Monck clearly found both attractive and impressive.
One of the Syracuse quarries visited by Monck, known as the Latomia del Paradiso, featuring the dramatic sculpted rock that Monck admired © Susanna Phillippo
One of the Syracuse quarries visited by Monck, known as the Latomia del Paradiso, featuring the dramatic sculpted rock that Monck admired © Susanna Phillippo
Monck finally visited Syracuse and the quarries in 1831, 25 years after his Grand Tour. He disliked the town but warmly declares the quarries ‘worth coming any distance to see’, along with other sites also involving sculptured rockscapes, like the gigantic cave ‘Dionysius’ Ear’ and the theatre.
This giant cave, known as Dionysius’ Ear, can be found within the Latomia del Paradiso, one of the quarries at Syracuse visited by Monck in 1831 © Susanna Phillippo
This giant cave, known as Dionysius’ Ear, can be found within the Latomia del Paradiso, one of the quarries at Syracuse visited by Monck in 1831 © Susanna Phillippo
It seems to have been after this tour that Monck had the Great Arch constructed at Belsay, further imitating the fantastical variety of rock formations at Syracuse.
On the west side of the Belsay estate sits a medieval castle dating back to the late 14th century and extended in the 17th century. The Monck family lived in the castle until the end of 1817 when they moved into their newly built hall.
A sketch of Belsay Castle from around 1830 © Historic England Archive
A sketch of Belsay Castle from around 1830 © Historic England Archive
The two contrasting building styles – one medieval, the other neoclassical – may seem at odds with one another. However, for Monck, they represented how the layers of the past can be expressed through architecture.
When reflecting on Palermo Cathedral on his Sicily tour in 1831, he muses that the fascination of medieval cathedrals and castles may arise from their succession of different building styles, which creates ‘monuments of epochal changes’.
Monck was perhaps also conscious of the way one experienced the first view of the castle when approaching it from his Quarry Garden. Emerging from the last defile of the quarry, the view opens up dramatically to reveal the medieval castle. This is similar to an experience Monck would later have when approaching the Temple of Egesta in Sicily, 1831. He describes the temple as ‘standing beautifully … through a rocky ravine’.
A painting by Thomas Cole from around 1842, showing the Temple of Egesta with the artist sketching in the foreground. From the collection of the Museum of Fine Arts Boston
A painting by Thomas Cole from around 1842, showing the Temple of Egesta with the artist sketching in the foreground. From the collection of the Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Charles Monck
and the Classical World

Charles Monck’s diaries suggest a man who was a dedicated sightseer with great enthusiasm for the ancient sites he was visiting. When on expeditions with his male friends, camping out on site beside — or even under — classical ruins was often the order of the day. This enthusiasm no doubt came from a lifelong fascination with the classical world which developed well before his Grand Tour.
Below, we explore Monck’s passion for classicism as expressed in his diaries, and how this enthusiasm had developed over his lifetime.

Monck’s earliest encounters with the classical world were at Rugby School where he studied between the ages of 8 to 15, under pioneering headmaster Thomas James. A typical Thursday for the upper forms involved Ovid before breakfast, Homer afterwards, and composition, sometimes in Greek verse. He later had a private tutor at his grandfather’s Lincolnshire house; Monck’s grandson Sir Arthur Middleton writes that this man’s excellent training enabled Monck to speak Latin colloquially – useful for seeking travel advice from priests abroad!
Monck was eager to visit famous sites and imaginatively link these with his classical reading. When reaching the citadel of Mycenae, he turned to survey the view and in his diary breaks into a quotation from Euripides’ Electra, evoking the shade of Agamemnon and the Trojan War.
When travelling to Eleusis, he describes a purple flower he picks from the road and connects this to the myth of Hades’ abduction of Persephone:
Probably it was these which Proserpine [Persephone] was gathering by the Cephissus […] when Pluto behaved so rudely to her.
View of the citadel of Mycenae, from Edward Dodwell’s Views and Descriptions of Cyclopian […] Remains, in Greece and Italy, 1834. Public Domain
View of the citadel of Mycenae, from Edward Dodwell’s Views and Descriptions of Cyclopian […] Remains, in Greece and Italy, 1834. Public Domain
An extract from Monck’s diaries showing his sketch of the Brandenburg Gate, Berlin © Published with permission of the Belsay Estate and Northumberland County Archives Service
An extract from Monck’s diaries showing his sketch of the Brandenburg Gate, Berlin © Published with permission of the Belsay Estate and Northumberland County Archives Service
A pencil drawing of Sir William Gell by Cornelius Vardy, 1816 © The National Portrait Gallery, London
A pencil drawing of Sir William Gell by Cornelius Vardy, 1816 © The National Portrait Gallery, London
Gell’s design for the Pillar Hall in Belsay Hall proposes caryatids (columns in the form of female figures) for the upper storey © Published with permission of the Belsay Estate and Northumberland County Archives Service
Gell’s design for the Pillar Hall in Belsay Hall proposes caryatids (columns in the form of female figures) for the upper storey © Published with permission of the Belsay Estate and Northumberland County Archives Service
By the time of his Grand Tour, Monck had already developed a keen interest in Greek architecture and had a precise sense of its ‘correct’ forms. Of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin he remarks, ‘The architecture is pretty correct except that the [Doric] columns have bases’. His comments linking the gate’s frieze sculptures to the Parthenon and Theseion suggest familiarity with detailed illustrations in the major contemporary work on Greek architecture, Stuart and Revett’s Antiquities of Athens: Monck later had the full set of volumes in his library.
On the Athenian Acropolis, he regrets the ‘depredations’ of Lord Elgin, which have ‘much lessened’ the Parthenon and disfigured the caryatid porch of the Erechtheion (also known as the Temple of Athena Polias). He nonetheless declares the ‘beauty and magnificence’ of the ruins to exceed his expectations.
The south porch of the Erechtheion, now with replica caryatid sculptures. The surviving originals are in the Acropolis Museum, Athens and the British Museum, London © INTERFOTO / Alamy Stock Photo
The south porch of the Erechtheion, now with replica caryatid sculptures. The surviving originals are in the Acropolis Museum, Athens and the British Museum, London © INTERFOTO / Alamy Stock Photo
Another influence on Monck’s passion for classicism came from his prior acquaintance with some prominent contemporary classical antiquarians. William Gell and Edward Dodwell visited the Moncks on their first evening in Athens and in his diary Charles refers to them familiarly by their surnames. He spent a lot of time with both men in Greece, exploring and touring several sites. With a third acquaintance, ‘Baker’, he undertook some minor excavation at Peiraeus.
Aspects of his antiquarian interests were probably in some respects shaped by these friendships. With Gell, Monck camped out on Aegina while exploring temples; read Herodotus after searching for the monument of the Greeks’ victory over Persia on Salamis; and evolved theories about the Acropolis walls.
Gell was later involved in aspects of the design of Belsay Hall, though Monck did not always follow his ideas to the letter. Notably he chose to adapt Gell’s design for the Pillar Hall, replacing the latter’s more elaborate proposed female-figure caryatids for the upper storey with simpler Doric-style columns.
The Pillar Hall in Belsay Hall today
The Pillar Hall in Belsay Hall today
The friendship persisted despite Monck turning down Gell’s proposal to marry his sister Isabella, and in his Sicily diaries, 25 years after returning from Greece, Monck is still citing Gell, and delivers letters on his behalf.
Alongside Monck’s lifelong enthusiasm for the classical world, he was equally devoted to geology, birdlife, all varieties of plant life, and horticulture. In his development of Belsay, classicism and horticulture went hand in hand, reflecting the travel diaries where the two strands often appear side by side. Approaching Zante, Monck quotes Virgil’s epithet ‘wooded Zakynthos’ and looks out for evidence that the description is still justified.
In the Sicily diaries he twice quotes Latin poetry when describing the abundant prickly pear. Though disappointed to find few material traces of the ancient court on the Areopagus hill in Athens, he identifies and appreciates the plant life there: ‘the ground is greened over, the bees hum about the new flowers’.
Flowers attract attention even when he is reporting on a rather adventurous exploration of the Parthenon pediment by his wife:
Louisa walked along the shelf of the pediment of the Parthenon and passed behind the statues of Hadrian and Sabina […] Amaryllis lutea growing out of perpendicular cracks between […] the marble stones at the top of the Parthenon and in flower.
The view from Areopagus up to the Acropolis, with the flora Monck admired © Susanna Phillippo
The view from Areopagus up to the Acropolis, with the flora Monck admired © Susanna Phillippo
A picturesque view of Belsay Castle in the mid 19th century, possibly drawn by Lady Mary Monck, Sir Charles Monck’s second wife © Historic England Archive
A picturesque view of Belsay Castle in the mid 19th century, possibly drawn by Lady Mary Monck, Sir Charles Monck’s second wife © Historic England Archive
A picturesque view of Eleusis
A picturesque view of Eleusis
Landscape theory in Monck’s time often explored concepts of the ‘picturesque’ and ‘sublime’. Several aspects of Belsay’s design have been related to these, notably the Quarry Gardens, Crag Wood and the role of the ruined castle in the landscape.
Neither term is easy to define. A picturesque landscape often refers to a landscape that is idealistic, artistic and beautiful, but, especially in Monck’s time, with elements of natural wildness as well, and involving contrast and variety. Examples might include a pastoral or woodland scene with rugged features like ancient gnarled trees or craggy rocks, or a castle ruin overgrown with nature. The sublime refers to the more dramatic and awe-inspiring scene – violent thunderstorms, towering rocky mountains, vast horizons and deep chasms.
The way Monck viewed Greek sites was clearly influenced by the picturesque concept, and this term often comes up in his travel diaries. He describes the ancient city of Eleusis as ‘picturesque’, detailing the features that justify this:
a fine rocky hill for the Citadel, a spacious beautiful plain below, fine mountains behind it, the sea on the other side – with the island of Salamis in view.
Elsewhere trees play their part. Near Sicyon we writes:
Over [a small torrent] steep cliffs of light clay cloathed charmingly with Pines and presenting a most picturesque scene.
Though Monck never uses the term ‘sublime’, he describes several landscapes in similar dramatic terms. For example, he enthuses over the view on the way from Thebes to Eleusis, ‘at once beautiful, grand, magnificent, various, everything’, and the prospect while travelling along the gulf of Corinth:
the end of the Gulph […] bursts suddenly upon you bounded by the most stupendous and beautiful mountains, some rising almost perpendicular from the water’s edge.
[At] the site of the ancient town of Corcyra — it is elevated and you may imagine the aërias arces as Virgil calls them […] our walk was enchantingly pleasant through orange and olive groves, the ground enamelled with wild anemones, asphodells and many other beautiful flowers whose exact names I did not know — the air perfumed by the blossoms of the orange trees — from the Villa of Signor Thestochi we had a most charming view of the Town, fortifications, Citadel and harbour.

Monck’s visit to Greece, and later Sicily, arose from his admiration for Greek architecture and enthusiasm for classical literature, history and mythology. As the diaries show, however, his responses once there embraced many other interests as well. The architecture and quality of the stonemasonry; the shrubs, flowers, fruit and trees; the stirring grandeur and picturesque charm of the scenery, all intertwine in his responses. The range of influences that Monck took from his travels was wide. As well as providing inspiration, what he experienced also served to bind together his different enthusiasms.
And so it would be when he turned to work on Belsay on his return. The resulting vision helped to shape for him, and for us, the varied yet coherent canvas created in Belsay Hall and its estate.