Description of Benwell Vallum Crossing

The Roman fort at Benwell on Hadrian’s Wall is buried beneath 1930s housing, but the Vallum crossing or causeway which led across the Vallum ditch to the south of the fort survives. The remains include masonry from the gate that controlled the crossing.

Benwell Vallum causeway looking north-east
The Vallum causeway at Benwell, looking north-east. The steps to the left represent successive levels of road resurfacing

Gate Arch and Causeway

The Vallum causeway preserves the western base of the gate arch which stood halfway across the causeway, together with the original pivot block and the sill of the gate. The masonry of the base is of exceptionally good quality. The sides of the causeway were revetted by walls of squared rubble, neatly coursed. 

Road Metalling and Ditch

Three superimposed layers of road metalling, indicating that heavy wear led to repeated resurfacing, can be seen north of the causeway. This is now represented by steps in its surface. The Vallum ditch is shown but is only partly emptied of its infill and is about half its original depth.