Sources for Benwell Vallum Crossing

The main account of the excavation of the Vallum causeway is E Birley, P Brewis and J Charlton, ‘Report for the North of England Excavation Committee’, Archaeologia Aeliana, 4th series, 11 (1934), 176–84.

The temple of Antenociticus at Benwell, seen from the north-west
The temple of Antenociticus at Benwell, seen from the north-west

Material Sources/Collections

Archives of the excavations at the Vallum causeway are kept in the Great North Museum, Newcastle upon Tyne. 

Written Sources

Birley, E, ‘Figured samian from Benwell, 1938’, Archaeologia Aeliana, 4th series, 25 (1947), 52–67 [samian pottery from within and above the filling of the Vallum ditch]

Birley, E, Brewis, P and Charlton, J, ‘Report for 1933 of the North of England Excavation Committee’, Archaeologia Aeliana, 4th series, 11 (1934), 176–84 [account of the excavation of the Vallum causeway]

Heywood, B and Breeze, DJ, ‘The Vallum causeway and fort ditches at Great Chesters’, Archaeologia Aeliana, 5th series, 39 (2010), 1–7 [excavation of the Great Chesters causeway]

Hill, P, ‘Stonework and the archaeologist’, Archaeologia Aeliana, 5th series, 9 (1981), 1–22 [comments on the high quality of the masonry of the Vallum gate arch]

Salway, P, The Frontier People of Roman Britain (Cambridge, 1967), 70–76 [account of the civilian settlement outside the fort at Benwell]

Simpson, FG and Richmond, IA, ‘Report of the Cumberland Excavation Committee for 1932: Excavations on Hadrian’s Wall, I. Birdoswald’, Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society, 2nd series, 33 (1933), 246–62 [excavation of the Birdoswald Vallum causeway]

Spain, GB, Bosanquet, RC and Simpson, FG, ‘The Roman frontier from Wallsend to Rudchester Burn’, A History of Northumberland, vol 13 (Newcastle upon Tyne and London, 1930), 484–565 [detailed account of all the discoveries at Benwell before the discovery of the Vallum causeway]

Swinbank, B, ‘Pottery from levels of the second and third century, covering the Vallum at Benwell’, Archaeologia Aeliana, 4th series, 33 (1955), 142–62