Chysauster Ancient Village

Things to see and do

Take in the View

Walk up from the entrance to the upper boundary of the site and you will get a breathaking view across beautiful countryside stretching right down to the coast. Seeing this view, you can understand why it was chosen by ancient people as their home with its natural water source, open space for agriculture and far reaching views to spot any potential attackers. Today the view is peaceful and well worth the walk to the top of the site.

Explore the Houses

The houses are laid out along a village street, each of stone construction and you can walk around the remains of these houses to gain a sense of what life was like thousands of years ago. Look for the stones with hollows in them, thought to be sockets for timber uprights, water channels and explore the rooms in their original layouts.

Walk on the Wild Side

Chysauster is home to a great range of birds, wildlife, flora and fauna and throughout the year you can enjoy a display of colour, song and fragrance as you wander through the houses of these ancient people. Orchids, gorse and bluebells grow amidst the stone remains and in the surrounding countryside and you could even spot the odd rabbit, fox, shrew or little bird enjoying the summer sun.

The Fogou

Close to House 7, on the southern side of the site, you can see two large capstones wich mark the entrance to a fogou or underground passage. Once part of the village, it could have been used for storage or a shelter but maybe you can think of another use? Other fogous can be seen at nearby Carn Euny and Halliggye.