St Augustine's Conduit House

Free Entry

Open any reasonable time during daylight hours


King's Park, off, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 1QH

Before You Go

On a steep hillside in Canterbury, the Conduit House was part of the monastic waterworks that supplied nearby St Augustine's Abbey. Built in the mid-12th century, it once housed an octagonal tank from which water flowed to the abbey via a lead pipe.

Read more about the history of St Augustine's Abbey Conduit House.

Before You Go

How to Find It: The site is just off King's Park, a five to ten-minute walk from St Augustine's Abbey. Enquire at the abbey for directions.

Parking: Parking is available at Longport Pay and Display Car Park, or use Canterbury's Park & Ride service.

Access: The Conduit House is just off the main pathway, over some grass. There is a steep slope.

Dogs: Dogs on leads are welcome.



Plan a Great Day Out

Visit nearby St Augustine's Abbey, part of the Canterbury World Heritage site. It's one of the most important places in the history of English Christianity, containing traces of three of the earliest Saxon churches in Southern England.

Take a trip to the coast and visit Richborough Roman Fort in the Kent marshes, or go to Reculver Towers and Roman Fort where the remains of a 12th century church dominate the headland.