Hill Hall


Advance Booking

The postcode for Hill Hall is CM16 7QQ and is situated 3 miles south east of Epping with the entrance ½ mile north of Theydon Mount Church. Please meet outside the driveway entrance gate a few minutes before the start time of the tour and a guide will meet you there. As Hill Hall is a private house, vehicles are politely requested not to drive on site, even if the gate is open, until the guide is present. Once the guide has opened the entrance gate, please continue ahead the full length of the driveway and park in a large car park in front of the house. If you are running late then please telephone the guide directly on 07803 555869

The tour will last approximately one and a quarter hours and please note there are no refreshments on site. Please also note that there is a flight of steps to view the wall paintings and a number of uneven surfaces

If you are a Member please remember to bring your English Heritage membership card with you.

We very much hope you will enjoy your visit.

Mobility / Older Visitors
Accessible Toilets
Adult Changing Area
Easy-use Cutlery
Assistance Dogs Welcome
Wheelchair Loan
Site Folders
Wheelchair Access
There is no lift and a set of eight stairs between each landing. Visitors with limited mobility are advised to bring a companion. Wheelchair access is not advised.
Entrance / Set Down
The car park is directly in front of the Hall.
OnSite Transport
There is a set of 8 stairs between each landing. No lift or ramp is available.
Lift Access
Seating And Restpoints
Some seating on the tour route.
Pathways Surface And Gradients
Blind / Visually Impaired
Accessible Toilets
Assistance Dogs Welcome
Braille Guides
Braille Signage
Sensory Experiences
Handling Objects
Audio Tours
Site Tours
Site tour available on request. Please call for details/booking.
Tactile Models
Colour Contrasts
Large Print
Deaf / Hard of Hearing
Assistance Dogs Welcome
Vibrating Fire Alarms
Tour Transcripts
Film Subtitles
BSL Tours
Audio Installation Transcripts
Induction Loops
Learning Difficulties
Accessible Toilets
Adult Changing Area
Easy-use Cutlery
Sensory Experiences
Handling Objects
Easy Read Material
Large Print Material
Culinary / Dietary
Easy-use Cutlery
Bottle / Food Warming
High Chairs
Health And Safety
Slip Hazard
The grass areas and stone flooring may be slippery when wet.
Beware Of Traffic
Hill Hall has now been divided into private houses, so residents with their vehicles may access the site at any time.
Uneven Ground
Some uneven paving on part of the tour route.