Pevensey Castle

Things to see and do

Discover the Castle

Explore Pevensey Castle's 16 centuries of history. Climb the battlements, take in the view across the Sussex countryside and head down into the dungeon and basement rooms.

Explore the Castle Grounds

Pevensey Castle is surrounded by beautiful open space, pefect for a stroll or dog-walk. Get up close to the castle moat and admire the beautifully preserved architecture of the walls and battlements.

Enjoy our Exhibits

From an impressive cannon to WWII era pill boxes cunningly hidden amid the castle walls, see and enjoy all the exhibits on display at Pevensey Castle.

1066 Connections

Pevensey is famously where William the Conqueror landed his army in 1066, before meeting King Harold Godwinson in battle at what is now the site of Battle Abbey. Battle Abbey and the famous 1066 battlefield is just a short drive from Pevensey Castle.