
Mobility / Older Visitors
Accessible Toilets
Adult Changing Area
Easy-use Cutlery
Assistance Dogs Welcome
Wheelchair Loan
Site Folders
Dog Bowl and Toileting
Two taps with running water - one at church and one on drawbridge. Dog bins found on site.
Wheelchair Access
  <p> Via drawbridge and level, smooth grass. Ground floors of the Keep and exhibition within reach via a ramp. No access above ground floor level. Compacted gravel paths lead to the outer Bailey and Roman walls. </p>
Entrance / Set Down
Disabled Parking
There are some allocated spaces in the public car park.
OnSite Transport
Stone and wooden stairs.
Lift Access
Seating And Restpoints
Wooden benches found around site
Pathways Surface And Gradients
Blind / Visually Impaired
Accessible Toilets
Assistance Dogs Welcome
Braille Guides
Braille Signage
Dog Bowl and Toileting
Two taps with running water - one at church and one on drawbridge. Dog bins found on site.
Audio Tours
Tactile Models
Areas Of Low Lighting
The Keep has low lighting and care should be taken at all times.
Large Print
Interpretation boards have large print.
Deaf / Hard of Hearing
Assistance Dogs Welcome
Vibrating Fire Alarms
Tour Transcripts
Film Subtitles
BSL Tours
Audio Installation Transcripts
Dog Bowl and Toileting
Two taps with running water - one at church and one on drawbridge. Dog bins found on site.
Induction Loops
Attached to the tills in the shop.
Learning Difficulties
Accessible Toilets
Adult Changing Area
Easy-use Cutlery
Easy Read Material
Large Print Material
Culinary / Dietary
Easy-use Cutlery
Bottle / Food Warming
High Chairs
Health And Safety
Deep Water
Moats can contain deep water.
Trip Hazard
Low ruined walls, historic steps, uneven surfaces.
Sheer Drop
Slip Hazard
Stone and wooden stairs are slippery when wet.
Steep Slope
Banks of moats are steep.
Steep Stairs
Stone steps via inner Keep are steep, narrow, winding and uneven. Wooden steps are very steep.
Uneven Ground
Uneven ground and trip hazards found all over site.