School Visits

Discovery Visits at Scarborough Castle

Bring Scarborough Castle to life and let our experts lead your pupils on an immersive Discovery Visit.  Explore Medieval life in a session that has been developed especially to provide fun and inspiring education activities. 

Our Discovery Visits have been adapted to follow health and safety guidelines and will still offer your students a quality and fun learning experience.

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Royals, Resistance and Rebellion

KS1, KS2, KS3

Take an interactive tour of the headland focusing on the castle as a defensive structure. Immerse your class in the medieval period, representing the Northern Barons or the power of the Crown, as they plan the attack and defence of this mighty fortress. With its stunning location and panoramic views, the tour highlights the geographical significance of the headland, and shows how the natural and man-made defences made Scarborough a seat of power in Northern England.

  • March: Wednesday to Friday; April to October: Monday to Friday
  • 1 hour 15 minutes
  • £100
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Planning Your Visit

Planning your visit couldn’t be easier with the help of our resources. However if you need more details or have specific questions about your trip or our Free Self-Led or Expert Led visits, please get in touch with our Education Booking Team on 0370 333 0606