Food and Drink


Catherine Headley at Stonehenge

Artist, Catherine Headley, has created the artwork for the brand new Stonehenge cafe.

The perfect collaboration for Stonehenge

Painter printmaker, Catherine Headley, has produced the stunning new art work for the upgraded Stonehenge cafe. Catherine was the perfect choice for such an important project: she takes her inspiration from landscapes, drawing on her experiences of exploring prehistoric sites in the south west of England. The work she produces is rich in texture and story, perfectly reflecting the Stonehenge landscape as well as representing the more spiritual aspects of the site. 

Catherine says: 

'To come across a stone circle or a Bronze Age settlement on a windswept moor fills me with excitement.  These experiences are recreated in my painting and printmaking.

At Stonehenge, I wanted to give my work the energy that emanates from the stones and to reflect their moods, ever changing according to the weather. I felt the powerful presence of the stones in an ancient landscape strewn for many miles with earthworks and barrows. From aerial images I observed the sweeping curve of the Avenue, once a white path cut into the chalk to connect Stonehenge with a bend in the river Avon. I thought about the axes carved into the stones. I used two colour schemes to reflect the importance of the winter and summer solstices.

To be asked to produce art work relating to Stonehenge was a gift, and I have endeavoured to celebrate the delight in Stonehenge and the awe felt by every visitor.'

Catherine's work can be seen in the brand new cafe at the Stonehenge visitor centre.