White Ladies Priory

Audio Guide to White Ladies Priory

Use this short audio guide to explore the remains of White Ladies Priory and learn about its history. The guide is about seven minutes long.

You can stream it below or download it to your phone so that you can listen as you walk around the site. To save the file to your phone or other device, use the download button (below right).





Explore more

  • Visit White Ladies Priory

    Ruins of the late 12th-century church of a small nunnery of ‘white ladies’ or Augustinian canonesses. Charles II hid nearby in 1651, before moving to Boscobel House.

  • Visit Boscobel

    Explore the beautiful orchard and gardens, see the descendant of the famous Royal Oak, and hunt out Charles II’s hiding place inside Boscobel House. 

  • Charles II and the Royal Oak

    Find out how the future king escaped from Parliamentarian forces during the Civil War in 1651, giving English history one of its greatest adventure stories.


    Discover how the Civil Wars unfolded at English Heritage’s properties – from ferocious sieges to a castle where Charles I was held prisoner.