School Visits

Where to visit in the East

Medieval castles, priories, and noble mansions are just some of the historic sites available to visit for free with your class in the East of England. Immerse your students in thier local history and cover multiple curriculum links.

Sites to visit in Bedfordshire


Great for: Romans, Georgian, WWI, Outdoor Learning
Subjects covered: History, English, Geography, Art and Design
Expert-led Discovery Visits: The Romans: Life and Culture KS2
Free resources: Outdoor Learning Kit KS1-3, Girl Guides Quest Badge

Places to visit in Essex

  • Audley End House and Gardens

    Great for: Victorians, Outdoor Learning
    Subjects covered: History, Science, Art and Design
    Expert-led Discovery Visits: Victorian Values KS1-2
    Free resources: Teachers' Resource Pack KS1-2, House and Gardens Timeline KS1-2, Top Things to See KS1-2, Teachers' Activity Ideas KS1-2, Outdoor Learning Kit KS1-4

  • Tilbury Fort

    Great for: Tudors - the Spanish Armada and warfare through time 
    Subjects covered: History

Sites to Visit in Norfolk

  • Castle Acre Priory

    Great for: Normans
    Subjects covered: History, Geography, Art and Design
    Expert-led Discovery Visits: GCSE Tour
    Free resources: Self-led GCSE resource, Tour and Explore Student Booklet KS2-3, Tour and Explore Teachers' Guide KS2-3, Tour and Explore Teachers' Guide KS2-3, Village Walk KS2-3, Photos and Reflections

  • Grimes Graves- Prehistoric Flint Mine: Re-opening Soon

    Great for: Prehistory, Neolithic Life
    Subjects covered: History

Sites to visit in Suffolk

  • Framlingham Castle

    Great for: Medieval and Tudor Castles
    Subjects covered: History, Geography
    Free resources: Activity Trail KS2

  • Orford Castle

    Great for: Medieval Castles – attack and defence
    Subjects covered: History, Geography, Drama, Maths
    Free resources: Teachers' Kit KS1-4

Free self-led Visits

Lead your visit in your own way for free. We offer free entry to pre-booked schools and other learning groups at any of the 400+ historic places in our care.

Use our free downloadable resources to help support your planning. What's more, when you've booked your visit you'll also receive a 20% discount on a guidebook of your choice. Remember to check our what to expect page and T&Cs to make sure you have everything you need ahead of your trip.


Find out more

Expert-Led Discovery Visits

Our award-winning and immersive Discovery Visits workshops for KS1-4 are available at selected sites from just £100 per session per class. Students of all ages and abilities can meet characters from the past, role-play, dress up and become history detectives.

These sessions are curriculum-aligned and have been designed to inspire and support your learning in and out of the classroom.

Find out more

Local Learning

By exploring your local area you can introduce your pupils to the stories behind the places your pupils interact with every day and help them compare and contrast their lives now with lives in the past. From Norman settlements like Castle Acre to Tudor fortresses like Deal Castle, and prehistoric monuments like Stonehenge, there's lots to discover on your doorstep.

We've brought together ideas for studying your local history by using our sites across the country. Use our site-specific pages as inspiration to help you bring local stories to life for your pupils.

Find out more

Book A School Visit

  • Book online

    Make an enquiry or amend your existing education visit booking using our online form and booking portal. Please note, your visit request is only confirmed once you receive a booking confirmaton email.

  • By Email

    Email us

  • By Phone

    Bookings are best made online, but if you'd prefer to speak to a member of the team, please call 0370 333 0606