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Commemorative Giving

Commemorative donations are a wonderful way to honour the life of a loved one or a special occasion. Donations help ensure that over 400 historic places in English Heritage's care can continue to be enjoyed by future generations.


Sometimes special places hold particular memories.  Making a donation to commemorate the life of a loved one or a special event could mean conserving a specific site or helping to support the core work of English Heritage. You can donate online or contact us to discuss making a donation to support a particular site.


The Book of Remembrance is held at the Jewel Tower, Westminster - a location historically used to store the nation's most precious documents and a fitting building to remember those who have cared for the nation's heritage. For those who leave a legacy, English Heritage can enter their name and a short dedication into the Book of Remembrance at your request.

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Unfortunately, we are no longer accepting applications for new commemorative benches or trees at any of our sites.

Please be aware that commemorative plaques cannot be affixed anywhere on our sites, including to existing benches or in front of trees.



Unfortunately the grounds of Kenwood House are unable to accommodate any more commemorative benches and English Heritage no longer operates a waiting list.

We are also unable to accomodate the scattering of ashes at Kenwood House.

Kenwood House has a Book of Donors and Remembrance displayed inside the house, where English Heritage can enter the name of a loved one and a short dedication hand-written by a professional calligrapher for a donation of £350.  Contact us to learn more.

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