Things to see and do

The Duchess of Cleveland Walled Garden

As well as creating a tranquil garden for visitors to enjoy, with fruit trees, wildflowers and bees, the walled garden provides a glimpse into a lesser known time in Battle Abbey's history; when it was lived in as a country house estate.

The Garden Today

The Duchess of Cleveland lived at the Abbey from 1858 and jealously guarded the walled garden and its tranquillity from the visitors who flocked to Battle Abbey at the time.

Now, the mid 19th century layout of the garden has been recreated, the walls have been conserved and new trees have been planted. Fruit trees and wildflower seeds have been carefully chosen, with locality and heritage of primary importance.


Things to see

Sixteen apple varieties, including 'Golden Pippin' which originated in Sussex in 1629 and 'Alfriston', a favourite Victorian exhibition variety, have been planted, as well as cherry, quince, medlar and nine varieties of pear.

Grasses and wildflowers native to the Weald area such as knapweed, yarrow and oxeye daisy have been introduced to enhance the grassland and spring bulbs have been planted. Victorian style bee-hives have been installed, with bees, to complete the ecosystem of the garden.

Our walled garden is constantly growing and evolving. Come and see for yourself as part of your visit to the Battlefield and Abbey.


Look out for the many varieties of fruit trees to be found growing within the garden:

(Cydonia oblonga)
(Malus domestica)
'Alfriston'Originated 1790 from Sussex, UK
'Coronation'Originated 1902 from Sussex, UK
'Crawley Beauty'Originated 1870 from Sussex, UK
'Crawley Reinette'Originated 1902 from Sussex, UK
'Doctor Hogg'Originated 1850 from Sussex, UK
'Edmund Jupp'Originated 1862 from Horsham, UK
'Egremont Russett'Originated 1872 from Dorset, UK
'First and Last'
'Forge'Originated 1851 from Sussex, UK
'Golden Pippin'Originated 1629 from Sussex, UK
'Hawksridge'Hawkridge Farm, Hellingly, near Hailsham
'Knobby Russett'Sussex UK 1820
'Lady Sudeley'Originated 1849 from Kent, UK
'Mannington's Permain'Originated 1770 from Sussex, UK
'Sussex Mother'Originated 1820 from Sussex, UK
'Wadhurst Pippin'Originated 1810 from Sussex, UK
Mespilus germanica
Morus nigra 'Chelsea' (syn. 'King James')A cultivar of great historical interest, originating in the Chelsea Physic Garden, London.
(Prunus avium)
'Bottler'Old North Devon variety pre 1700
'Dun'Old North Devon variety pre 1700
'Early Rivers'Introduced in 1872
(Pyrus communis)
'Beurre Alexandre Lucas'Introduced in 1866
'Catillac'First recorded in 1665
'Conference'First exhibited at the National British Pear Conference of 1885, hence it's name
'Doyenne Du Comice'Raised at Angers, France in the 1840's and introduced into Britain in 1858.
'Fondante de Charneau'Introduced c1800
'Jargonelle'One of the oldest of all pear varieties - suggested that this is the pear written about by the Roman historian Pliny. The first reference in England by John Parkinson in 1629.
'Louise Bonne of Jersey'Raised about 1780 in Normandy, France.
'Triumphe de Vienne'
'Williams Bon Chretien'A very old and famous English variety, found in a schoolmaster's garden at Aldermaston in Berkshire in the 1760's.