The Stuarts


Your Stuart moustache and goatee beard certainly look fancy, but to complete your outfit you need a grand feathery hat like this. Just follow the instructions below and strike a pose…



  • Piece of A1 card
  • Coloured paper
  • Scissors
  • Glue stick
  • Brass paper fastener
  • Ruler
  • Plate or bowl
  • Pencil
  • Feathers
  • Other items to embellish your hat
  • Your Stuart collar and moustache


  • Step 1

    Ask an adult to find a medium-sized plate or bowl that is slightly bigger than the circumference of your head. Place it face down on the card and draw around it to make a circle.

  • Step 2

    Now draw an outline about 2cm wider than the circle. Cut along this line to make the top of your hat. Cut slits between the outer edge and the original outline of your circle to create tabs, then bend these down along your original outline.

  • Step 3

    To make the sides of the hat, measure out a strip of card as tall as you want the hat to be and long enough to fit around the edge of your circle.

  • Step 4

    To make the sides of the helmet, cut a rectangle of card about 30cm by 60cm. Fold in half and cut a triangle off the bottom as shown in the diagram.

  • Step 5

    Assemble your hat by attaching the sides of the hat to the top, then joining both to the brim of the hat.

  • Step 6

    Time to embellish your hat! Add a strip of coloured paper to the sides of your hat, add the feathers and pin up one of the sides of the brim to the side of the hat. You can add a jewel, brooch or something else here to give a different finish.