Quizzes and Games
Image: Stonehenge in Wiltshire

1.  Stonehenge (pictured) is an ancient monument in Wiltshire that is made up of a huge circle of stones, some of which weigh around 25 tonnes. When was it completed?

A) Around 10000 BC
B) Around 2500 BC
C) In the 1930s
D) Last week


2.  During the Bronze Age, people started to make tools and jewellery from bronze and gold, instead of stone. What it bronze made of?

A) Copper and tin
B) Iron and titanium
C) Aluminium and silver
D) Lead and zinc

Image: Grime's Graves in Norfolk

3.  Grime's Graves in Norfolk (pictured) dates from about 4,500 years ago and is made up of more than 400 pits. What were these pits?

A) A burial site
B) A place for people to live
C) Somewhere people hid valuable possessions
D) A Neolithic flint mine


4.  Who landed in southern Britain in AD 43 and conquered most of the country?

A) The Americans
B) The Vikings
C) The Romans
D) The Normans

Image: A stretch of Hadrian's Wall

5.  The Romans started building Hadrian's Wall (pictured) in around AD 122 to guard the north-western edge of the Roman Empire. How long is it?

A) 26 miles
B) 73 miles
C) 516 miles
D) No one knows as they haven't got a long enough tape measure


6.  After Christianity was introduced to England, the first English monastery was founded in Kent. Who was it named after?

A) Saint George
B) Saint Augustine
C) Saint Ives
D) Saint Nicholas

Image: Lindisfarne Priory in Northumberland

7.  The Vikings attacked the island of Lindisfarne (pictured) in AD 793. Who lived there?

A) Farmers
B) Soldiers
C) Monks
D) Innkeepers


8.  What happened in 1066?

A) The Stone Age ended
B) The Normans won the Battle of Hastings before going on to conquer England
C) The motor car was invented
D) The first fish and chip shop opened

Image: 1066 Battle of Hastings, Abbey and Battlefield in East Sussex

9.  Which abbey (pictured) did William I build after conquering England to make peace with God and to say sorry for all the bloodshed caused by the Norman Conquest?

A) Battle Abbey in East Sussex
B) Whitby Abbey in North Yorkshire
C) Westminster Abbey in London
D) Rievaulx Abbey in North Yorkshire


10.  Which of these wasn't served at medieval feasts?

A) Swan
B) Hot dogs
C) Jugs of wine
D) Crumbly cheese

Image: An engraving of King Henry VIII

11.  Which king (pictured) fell out with the Pope in the 1500s and, as a result, decided to shut down England's monasteries?

A) King Nigel II
B) King Richard III
C) King Kong
D) King Henry VIII


12.  Can you unscramble this anagram to make the name of one of Henry VIII's wives?


Image: Boscobel House and the Royal Oak in Shropshire

13.  When King Charles II was on the run from the parliamentarians at the end of the English Civil War in 1651, he went to Boscobel House in Shropshire (pictured). While there, where did he hide?

A) Up an oak tree
B) In a cupboard
C) Under a bed
D) Behind the sofa


14.  Who, in 1721, became the first proper British prime minister and now has a blue plaque in London?

A) Robert the Bruce
B) Robert De Niro
C) Robert Williams
D) Robert Walpole

Image: The Iron Bridge in Shropshire

15.  When the Iron Bridge (pictured) was built over the River Severn in Shropshire in 1779, how much did it cost to build?

A) £60
B) £600
C) £6,000
D) £60,000


16.  Queen Victoria was only 18 when she came to the throne. How long did she reign for?

A) 63 years
B) 27 years
C) 5 years
D) 6 weeks


Image: Osborne on the Isle of Wight

17.  One of Queen Victoria's favourite places was her huge home, Osborne (pictured). Which island is it on?

A) Jersey
B) Isle of Wight
C) Barry Island
D) Eel Pie Island


18.  During the First World War, who was imprisoned at Richmond Castle in North Yorkshire?

A) Captured German soldiers
B) People who had been caught dropping litter
C) Children who stayed up past their bedtime
D) People who didn't agree with the war and refused to fight


Image: Dover Castle in Kent

19. In the Second World War, what was hidden in tunnels underneath Dover Castle in Kent (pictured)?

A) A factory making aeroplanes
B) Buried treasure
C) Headquarters for the soldiers and sailors defending the coast
D) A top-secret rocket


20.  Can you unscramble the name of this amazing mansion and grounds in London, which was once owned by millionaires Stephen and Virginia Courtauld, who had a pet lemur named Mah-Jongg?



  • Answers:
    1. B) Around 2500 BC
    2. A) Copper and Tin
    3. D) A Neolithic Flint Mine
    4. C) The Romans
    5. B) 73 miles
    6. B) St Augustine
    7. C) Monks
    8. B) The Normans won the Battle of Hastings before going on to conquer England
    9. A) Battle Abbey in East Sussex
    10. B) Hot dogs
    11. D) King Henry VIII
    12. Catherine of Aragon
    13. A) Up an oak tree
    14. D) Robert Walpole
    15. C) £6,000
    16. A) 63 years
    17. B) Isle of Wight
    18. D) People who didn’t agree with the war and refused to fight
    19. D) Headquarters for the soldiers and sailors defending the coast
    20. Eltham Palace and Gardens