Quizzes and Games
Text: Quiz time! Could you run a medieval castle?

Find out if you’ve got what it takes to run and maintain one of England’s formidable fortresses!

Image: illustration of a medieval feast

1.  The king orders you to keep a prisoner securely. Do you…

A) Tie him to a post in the courtyard?
B) Chain him to a wall in the dungeon with leg irons?
C) Take his wallet and mobile, and tie his shoelaces together?


2.  You have to arrange the Great Hall for dinner. Do you…

A) Arrange long tables, with people sat in order of age and importance?
B) Have lots of round tables, and arrange people so they’re always next to someone new?
C) Arrange people on tables by their occupation?

Image: Illustration of a man with a wheelbarrow outside a castle

3.  At night, after the gates have been closed, do you…

A) Settle down to oil the crossbows?
B) Switch on the fairy lights on the battlements?
C) Send two sergeants on their rounds to check that the watchmen aren’t sleeping?


4.  Oh no! The castle toilet is getting smelly again! Do you…

A) Order the ‘gong scourer’ to dig the poo out of the pit?
B) Spray it with air freshener and leave the window open?
C) Leave a bowl of lavender to ward off the plague?

Image: illustration of a medieval market

5.  Supplies in the stores are looking a bit low. Do you…

A) Drive the waggon down to the supermarket and fill three shopping trolleys?
B) Order the labourers to plant more beans and cabbages?
C) Go to the market and order 100 salted pigs, 200 sacks of grain and 100 barrels of salted fish?


6.  At sunset, the castle gates have to be closed. Do you…

A) Shake the doormat, put the cat out and pop the kettle on?
B) Order the drawbridge to be raised, the gates closed and barred, and the watchmen to go on duty?
C) Light torches outside so visitors can see where they are?

Image: castle gatehouse with two guards

7.  You need to raise the portcullis. Do you…

A) Lift it and put a stick under it?
B) Put a new battery in the remote control?
C) Order your men to wind it up and put strong bars through it to hold it in the ‘up’ position?


8.  One of your watchmen wounds another with the point of his sword. Do you…

A) Order them to fight a duel with blunted weapons?
B) Send him on a one-day anger management course?
C) Fine him 10 shillings?

  • Answers:

    1. (B)
    2. (A)
    3. (C)
    4. (A)
    5. (C)
    6. (B)
    7. (C)
    8. (C)

Results: how did you do?

1 - 2 correct: Oh dear – it’s a castle-tastrophe!

3 - 5 correct: Get back to the castle classroom!

6 - 7 correct: You are the king of the castle!

More Medieval Castles

Congratulations on completing the quiz! Now read Kids Rule! magazine online to learn more about life in medieval castles.

This is part of the Kids Rule! Magazine series following the history of England, designed to help you discover more about the past, through fun facts, illustrated stories, games, puzzles and competitions.

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