Quizzes and Games
Image text: Quiz time! Could you live like a Carthusian Monk?

The life of a medieval monk was very strict – could you stick to the rules?  Take our quiz to see if you could live like they did at Mount Grace Priory...

Image: illustrated reconstruction of a monk's cell and garden

1.  You have decided to become a Carthusian monk at Mount Grace Priory because:

A) They get plenty of time off for holidays
B) You like the sound of the swimming pool and play park
C) The monks of Mount Grace live a life of such hardship that it brings them closer to God

2.  The monks each lived in a small house (cell) with a little garden, only coming out for church services three times a day. So, when you are locked in your cell, do you:

A) Spend your time playing on your PlayStation
B) Go to bed early and have a really good night’s sleep
C) Work, study and pray

3.  It’s your birthday – what will you do to mark the occasion?

A) You don’t celebrate your birthday – it’s just another day
B) You invite the other monks round for a party
C) Send out for pizza

Image: illustration of a monk eating vegetable broth

4. On special days like Easter or Christmas you can look forward to what?

A)  Meeting up with your pals for a good old chat
B)  Vegetable broth with perhaps a piece of cheese as a treat, eaten in complete silence
C)  If it’s Christmas there’ll be crackers and party hats

5. Your family is important to you, but how will you keep in touch?

A)  Set up a daily Zoom call
B) Visit them at weekends
C) You’re only allowed to see them for one or two days a year

Image: monks working in a vegetable garden

6.  Being locked in your cell for long periods isn’t healthy, so do you:

A) Go to the gym
B) Dig your garden to grow vegetables and flowers
C) Do a daily Joe Wicks workout

7.  All of the monks were encouraged to work but what job did one monk at Mount Grace do?

A) He was a book binder. Evidence was uncovered when his cell was excavated
B) He sold his fruit and vegetables at the local market
C) He made YouTube videos on how to cook vegetarian food, mostly broth

  • Answers:

    1.  (C) The monks of Mount Grace live a life of such hardship that it brings them closer to God

    2.  (C) Work, study and pray

    3.  (A) You don’t celebrate your birthday – it’s just another day

    4.  (B) Vegetable broth with perhaps a piece of cheese as a treat, eaten in complete silence

    5.  (C) You’re only allowed to see them for one or two days a year

    6.  (B) Dig your garden to grow vegetables and flowers

    7.  (A) He was a book binder. Evidence was uncovered when his cell was excavated

Results: how did you do?

1 - 3 correct: Maybe it’s time for a rethink!

4 - 5 correct: Have you considered the Benedictine order?

6 - 7 correct: Top monk skills!

A Mini Guide to Medieval Monks

There were many different religious communities in medieval Britain. The four main monastic movements were the Benedictines, Cluniacs, Carthusians and Cistercians. But do you know the difference between these religious orders? Watch this animation to find out more.

Playing Snakes & Abbots

Play a Game of Snakes and Abbots

Can you make it to the top of the board and be an abbot? Find out if you've got what it takes to get the top job with this fun game of Snakes & Abbots! If you land on a ladder, follow it up to the space above. But if you land on a snake, follow it down.

To download a game board, spinner and 3D players, click on the link below. No abbots were harmed in the making of this game!

Download your game
Image: children reading Kids Rule! magazine

Medieval monasteries

Congratulations on completing the quiz! Now that you know whether you could be a Carthusian monk, read Kids Rule! magazine online to learn more about monastic life.

This is issue 18 in the Kids Rule! magazine series following the history of England, designed to help you discover more about the past, through fun facts, illustrated stories, games, puzzles and competitions.

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