Quizzes and Games

1. What's your favourite activity?

A) Reading Poetry
B) Skiing
C) Playing tricks on people
D) Riding in a chariot


2. What's your favourite animal?

A) Raven
B) Eagle
C) Snake
D) Cat

3. Which of these do you prefer to eat?

A) Salmon
B) Wild boar
C) Chocolates
D) Apples


4. What's your favourite accessory

A) A magical spear
B) A bow and arrow
C) A net
D) A cloak of falcon feathers

5. Where would you like to live?

A) Up a tree
B) In the mountains
C) On a rock
D) In the gardens


6. Who do you enjoy spending your time with?

A) A pair of wolves
B) Your family
C) Giants
D) Goblins

How did you do?

  • Mostly A

    Mostly A - You're Odin

    Odin rules over the Aesir tribe of gods and goddesses, and goes on long quests to learn new things.

  • Mostly B

    Mostly B - You're Skadi

    You'll know Skadi if you see her: she's a giant goddess who goes hunting in the mountains.

  • Mostly C

    Mostly C - You're Loki

    Watch out if Loki's about — he's a cheeky trickster and once shapeshifted into a horse.

  • Mostly D

    Mostly D - You're Freya

    Freya's chariot is drawn by cats, her cloak helps her fly and she uses magic to affect the future.

A boy reads Kids Rule! magazine

Discover more myths and legends

Read Kids Rule! magazine online to learn about the myths and legends linked to our sites plus many more. Step inside a secretive Roman temple and discover how St Hild banished an army of snakes!

This is issue 24 in our series of Kids Rule! magazines following the history of England. Each issue is designed to help you discover more about our properties through fun facts, illustrated stories and games.

Read the magazine