English Heritage Members' Magazine

Discover the October 2017 issue of the Members' Magazine and delve deeper into the story with photo galleries, behind-the-scenes videos, competitions and more.

Rachel Turnball, Senior Collections Conservator

Meet conservator Rachel Turnbull

We join our senior collections conservator for fine art at her studio to discover what goes into restoring the paintings in our care. Plus, watch a video about the Jacob Huysmans painting about to be returned to Wrest Park and discover seven of the best paintings in our collection.

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Eight Ghosts competition

Ghost Story Writing Competition

Following the release of our new ghost story book – Eight Ghosts – we launched a Members' competition to write a short ghost story based at an English Heritage site. We then asked you to vote for your favourite from our shortlist and the votes have now been counted.

Who's the winner?
The Cast Iron Bridge near Coalbrookdale by William Williams, c.1780 (oil on canvas).

The heritage quiz

As a major conservation project to repair the Iron Bridge begins, how much do you know about this pioneering example of design and engineering?

  1. Whose discovery made the mass production of cast iron viable?
  2. Who designed the bridge?
  3. In what year was the iron bridge erected?
  4. How many people were injured during the bridge's construction?
  5. What is the bridge's span?
  6. How many castings does the bridge have?
  7. How many tons of iron were used to build the bridge?
  8. How were the parts of the bridge joined together?
  9. When was the bridge closed to traffic?
  10. What designation was the bridge given in 1986?
Log in to check your answers

Kids rule! Guide to the Norman Conquest

Image from Kids Rule!

Discover the section of our Members' Area especially for young Members, where they can learn about England's history, discover more about our sites and find loads of fun things to watch, read and do.

Each issue of Kids Rule! will feature a different time in history. This time it's the turn of the Normans; here's what we've got in store for you:

  • Watch an interview with William the Conqueror and King Harold
  • Make a mini motte-and-bailey castle to win a goody bag worth £100
  • Norman dress-up kit
  • Recipe for Norman spiced date loaf
  • Free mega timeline poster 
Explore kids rule
Wiltons' Roast Grouse topped with streaky bacon

New partnership with charitable bookings

Enjoy eating out? Want to support English Heritage further? Now you can combine the two thanks to a new partnership between English Heritage and Charitable Bookings.

To celebrate the new partnership, Chef Daniel Kent from Wiltons – one of England's oldest restaurants – has provided a recipe for roast grouse. 

Find out more

From the archive

From the archive - Members' Magazine


Discover highlights and extras from the July magazine, including:

An interview with a Dunkirk veteran - Watch our interview with Operation Dynamo veteran Richard Sheen to hear his personal account of the operation and discover the role Dover Castle and its tunnels played in the rescue.

English Heritage properties on film - Many of our historic properties have featured on TV or film. Discover these sites using our interactive map or print off a downloadable version to keep with your handbook and help plan your visits.

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