Ready for more? Round three of The Biggest Quiz in History* features questions about Queen Victoria and Albert, the First and Second World Wars and even anagrams of some of your favourite English Heritage sites... get those thinking caps on!

*May not be the biggest quiz in history

Image: Stanton Drew

1.  Salamanca, Puffing Billy and Blücher were among the first what? 

2.  The patron saint of England, St George, was born in Cappadocia - now in which modern-day country?

3.  England’s third-largest complex of standing stones can be found in which Somerset village?

4.  What is a bastle house?

5.  What caused considerable damage to Whitby Abbey in 1914?

6.  In what year was Albert granted the official title of Prince Consort?

7.  Netley Abbey was the inspiration for which novel, published in 1817?

8.  What was Albert’s title before marrying Victoria?

9.  According to Geoffrey of Monmouth, King Arthur was conceived at Tintagel Castle. What was the name of his father?

10.  The tunnels beneath Dover Castle played a key role in Operation Fortitude South, designed to divert attention away from which major event of the Second World War?

11.  Robert Aske was hanged at Clifford’s Tower in 1537. He had been a leader of a major rebellion against Henry VIII, known as the ‘Pilgrimage of _____’.

12.  The Princes in the Tower were the sons of which king?



13.  For what purpose did Albert build the Swiss Cottage at Osborne?

14.  Can you unscramble the names of these four English Heritage castles? zealously batched cash / rattlesnakes download dance bop / headwaters chart metalworking / grandfathers gleeful choir

15.  What animal played a decisive role in the Battle of Hastings?

16.  Which king of England died on 5 January 1066, leaving no direct heirs?



Image: Castle Acre Priory

17.  At a demonstration in support of parliamentary reform in 1819, cavalry charged a crowd of 60,000 protestors, killing several and injuring hundreds. What is this event now known as?

18.  Kenwood House was the target of rioters during which riot of 1780?

19.  By which monument did the Battle of the Beanfield take place? 

20.  What was the name of the northern frontier of the Roman province of Britannia from the 140s until 158?

21.  What was the function of the two-storey ‘reredorter’ at Castle Acre Priory?

22.  From where was the Dunkirk evacuation masterminded?

23.  What was the code name for the evacuation of Dunkirk, 1940?

24.  What was the official cause of Albert’s death in 1861?

25. What unusual action did Victoria do with Albert’s ear?


26.  Upnor Castle in Kent failed to prevent the Raid on the Medway of 1667, which was one of the Royal Navy’s heaviest defeats. Which of England’s rivals conducted the raid?

27.  The quarry garden at Belsay Hall was inspired by a visit to quarries on which Mediterranean island?

28.  Which Northumberland castle on the river Tweed was attacked at least 13 times by the Scots?

29.  In the 1840s which famous figure threatened to resign all his public posts if his massive bronze statue was removed from a London arch?

  • Check your answers here:

    1.  Steam locomotives (we'll accept trains!)

    2.  Turkey

    3.  Stanton Drew

    4.  Fortified farm house

    5.  The shelling of Whitby by the German High Seas Fleet

    6. 1857

    7.  Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen

    8.  Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha

    9.  Uther Pendragon

    10.  D-Day

    11.  Grace

    12.  Edward IV

    13.  The entertainment and informal education of the royal children

    14.  Ashby de la Zouch Castle / Beeston Castle and Woodland Park / Warkworth Castle and Hermitage / Farleigh Hungerford Castle

    15.  The horse

    16.  Edward the Confessor

    17.  Peterloo massacre

    18.  Gordon Riots

    19.  Stonehenge

    20.  Antonine Wall

    21.  Communal latrine, toilet, loo!

    22.  Dover Castle

    23.  Operation Dynamo

    24.  Typhoid

    25.  She had an ornamental plaster cast made of it

    26.  The Dutch

    27.  Sicily

    28.  Norham Castle

    29.  The Duke of Wellington

    30.  Ivanhoe

    31.  Ring-tailed lemur

    32.  To atone for the bloodshed of the battle

    33.  Harald Hardrada