Things to see and do

Gardens at Boscobel House

Discover the glorious grounds of Boscobel House – featuring a recreated 17th century garden full of period flowers and vegetables, along with plants used throughout history to make medicines and dyes. Plus, head to the newly planted oak field where Charles II hid in the Royal Oak and wander through the willow tunnel.

We've rounded up some of our favourite garden highlights, so you can make the most of every season.

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Knot Garden

Boscobel’s knot garden is typical of the type which would have been at the house in the 17th century, with rectangular parterre beds, native honeysuckle and old species of lavender, box and Santolina

Don't miss the reconstructed arbour on the small mound, where Charles is said to have spent a few hours reading in 1651.


Oak Field and Orchard

Rising in the middle of the field is The Royal Oak, a descendant of the tree where Charles II hid, and beside it, a replacement grown from its acorn. The woodland that once surrounded the Royal Oak has been replanted, including oak trees propagated from the Royal Oak’s DNA, visit throughout the year to watch the saplings grow.

Next to the oak field is our orchard, full of different varieties of apple trees. A must-see in September and October when the trees are full of ripening apples. 

Seasonal Highlights


In spring, Boscobel's gardens are bursting back to life. Snowdrops begin appearing in January, soon to be followed by daffodils in the Royal Oak Field. In the farmyard, it's lambing season so there may be newborn lambs taking their first steps. 


Enjoy our beautiful knot garden, full of colour with blooms of Bellis perennis and Pomponette in the formal beds.

In the vegetable plots, try identifying the heritage vegetables and fruits before heading out to the willow tunnel which will be looking its best at this time of year. 


Head to the newly propagated oak field and take a moment to enjoy the Royal Oak's autumnal leaves.

A time for harvest, the orchard is full of apples and pears and huge pumpkins and squashes can be seen in the vegetable plots.


Hear the frosty grass crunch as you wander through the gardens. In the knot garden, hardy winter flowers can still be seen and here our gardeners are preparing the vegetable plots for the new season.

Our Top Tip

“I’ve loved watching the gardens being brought back to life at Boscobel House as part of the redevelopment project. It’s a pleasure to see heritage vegetables and flowers growing in the knot garden which are likely to have been there during the 17th century. My favourite thing to do is watch the Royal Oak seedlings flourishing.”

  Boscobel - Kyra.jpg 

Kyra, Stockperson and Gardener, Boscobel House

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  • History and Stories

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  • Things to see and do

    Enjoy a day out at Boscobel House and The Royal Oak. Walk to White Ladies Priory, enjoy an interactive tour of the house and explore the 17th century garden.  

  • Family Day Out

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