Grime's Graves - Prehistoric Flint Mine

Grime’s Graves with Phil Harding

Listen to this audio tour of the site hosted by archaeologist Phil Harding and English Heritage historian Dr Jennifer Wexler.

Join them as they explore the lunar-like landscape of Grime’s Graves, descend down into the deepest excavated pit on site and meet with geology and natural heritage experts along the way. Learn about the process of flint mining and knapping, and discover what life was like for the communities who worked mining flint here thousands of years ago.

Digging Deeper

Play the audio guide here or listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

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Archaeologist Phil Harding and English Heritage historian Dr Jennifer Wexler explore Grime’s Graves and meet with geology and natural heritage experts, including Tim Lynch from English Heritage, Peter Squirrel and Rob Hunt from Needham Chalks Flint, and Kyle Jennings from Norfolk Wildlife Trust, to learn more about the history of mining and flint knapping and the unique landscape and wildlife that can be found at Grime’s Graves.

Explore More

  • Visit Grime's Graves

    Grime’s Graves is a unique visitor attraction in Norfolk as the only Neolithic flint mine open to visitors in Britain.

  • History of Grime’s Graves

    Read more about the history of Grime’s Graves, which has seen hundreds of years of activity by Neolithic flint miners. 

  • Virtual Tour

    Explore this 360° virtual tour of Greenwell’s Pit, the oldest, deepest and best-preserved pit excavated so far at at Grime’s Graves. 

  • Ritual Mysteries

    Intriguing finds from many of the pits at Grime’s Graves suggest that mysterious rituals accompanied the everyday task of mining. Read more about these discoveries here. 

  • A Chalk Goddess: Real or Fake?

    Many questions have been raised about the authenticity of a figurine discovered at Grime’s Graves in 1939. We explore this intriguing object and learn more about the mysteries that surround its origin.

  • Collection Discoveries

    Discover some of the objects found at Grime’s Graves including a range of skilfully worked (or ‘knapped’) tools, demonstrating the many uses and importance of flint during prehistory.