Lullingstone Roman Villa

Things to see and do

Enjoy the light show

Appreciate the impressive survival of the villa's buildings, as our bespoke light installations beautifully illuminate the archaology below. 

See Incredible Finds

Finds discovered during the excavation of Lullingstone shed light upon the lives of those who lived and worked here. Don't miss the chance to explore all our exhibits in the site's museum. 

Discover Roman Mosaics

View spectacular Roman mosaics, unearthed during the excavation of the villa. These beautifully preserved examples are some of the most impressive Roman survivals in England.

House Church

One of the most incredible discoveries at Lullingstone Roman Villa is the remains of an early site of Christian worship in the form of a 'house church'. Miraculously, a magnificent wall painting from this period survives here, and can be enjoyed today.