
Mobility / Older Visitors
Accessible Toilets
Adult Changing Area
Easy-use Cutlery
Assistance Dogs Welcome
Wheelchair Loan
Site Folders
Dog Bowl and Toileting
There is a dog bowl located just outside the visitor centre, on the left hand side.
Wheelchair Access
Unfortunately the castle site itself is not accessible for people with walking problems or to people in wheelchairs. Please note that whilst the visitor centre is accessible to wheelchair users, it is located at the top of a short steep slope which may represent a challenge to some carers and to self propelled wheelchair users.
Entrance / Set Down
Unfortunately the castle site itself is not accessible for people with walking problems/ people in wheelchairs (although the visitor centre is).
OnSite Transport
There are stairs leading to upper floor of the visitor centre (15 steps in total).
Lift Access
There is a lift leading to the top floor of the visitor centre.
Seating And Restpoints
Tables and chairs are located just outside the visitor centre and there are also benches en route up the hill.
Pathways Surface And Gradients
There is a surfaced pathway leading up to the site.
Blind / Visually Impaired
Accessible Toilets
Assistance Dogs Welcome
Braille Guides
Braille Signage
Sensory Experiences
Dog Bowl and Toileting
There is a dog bowl located just outside the visitor centre, on the left hand side.
Audio Tours
Tactile Models
Areas Of Low Lighting
There is low light at certain points heading down the staircase.
Large Print
Deaf / Hard of Hearing
Assistance Dogs Welcome
Vibrating Fire Alarms
Tour Transcripts
Film Subtitles
BSL Tours
Audio Installation Transcripts
Dog Bowl and Toileting
There is a dog bowl located just outside the visitor centre, on the left hand side.
Induction Loops
Learning Difficulties
Accessible Toilets
Adult Changing Area
Easy-use Cutlery
Sensory Experiences
Basic Language Audio Tours
Easy Read Material
Large Print Material
A large print version of the guidebook is available. Please ask for this upon arrival.
Culinary / Dietary
Easy-use Cutlery
Bottle / Food Warming
High Chairs
Health And Safety
Trip Hazard
There are historic steps, low walls and uneven surfaces across the site.
Sheer Drop
There are 500 ft drops from two sides of the site.
Slip Hazard
Areas of the site can become slippery after wet weather. If this is the case visitors will be made aware of this before they enter.
Steep Slope
There is a sloping, relatively gentle drop from one side of the site.
Steep Stairs
There is a spiral staircase leading to the lower level of the keep.
Uneven Ground
There is uneven ground around the keep due to the historic nature of the site.