Portchester Castle

Things to see and do

Visit the Castle Keep

Explore the 12th Century Norman keep, one of the tallest in the country. Inside, discover the varied stories of the many people — from royals to prisoners of war — who called the castle home throughout its lifespan.

Uncover the story of Portchester's Prisoners

From 1665 Portchester served as a prisoner-of-war camp – a role that reached its height during the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars of 1793–1815, when it housed up to 8,000 prisoners, of many nationalities and backgrounds, at any one time. Today, enjoy our exhibition telling the story of these prisoners, and explore their life at the castle.

See the Prisoners Theatre

Find out about the theatre set up and run by French prisoners of war at Portchester Castle between 1810 and 1814.

Rooftop Views

Head to the top of Portchester's keep for breathtaking views across the Solent.