Sources for Wheeldale Roman Road
The classic study of the possible road, including profiles across the line of the monument on Wheeldale Moor, photographs and a description, is RH Hayes and JG Rutter’s Wade’s Causeway: A Roman Road in North-East Yorkshire, Scarborough and District Archaeological Society Research Report 4 (Scarborough, 1964).

Antiquarian Accounts
All these accounts contain discussion of the line of the putative road and considerations of its northern terminus.
Atkinson, JC, Memorials of Old Whitby (London, 1894) [accessed 29 Aug 2012]
Codrington, T, Roman Roads in Britain (London, 1903)
Clark, MK, A Gazetteer of Roman Remains in East Yorkshire, Roman Malton and District Report no 5 (Leeds, 1935)
Drake, F, Eboracum: or the History and Antiquities of the City of York (London, 1736) [accessed 29 Aug 2012]
Elgee, F, The Romans in Cleveland (York, 1923)
Elgee, F, and Elgee, HW, The Archaeology of Yorkshire (London, 1933)
Hinderwell, T, The History and Antiquities of Scarborough and the Vicinity, 2nd edn (York, 1811) [accessed 22 Aug 2012]
Knox, R, A Map of the County Round Scarborough (Scarborough, 1821; revised edn 1849) [see above; accessed 29 Aug 2012]
Knox, R, Descriptions, Geological, Topographical, and Antiquarian, in Eastern Yorkshire, Between the Rivers Humber and Tees (London, 1855) [accessed 29 Aug 2012]
Lukis, WC (ed), The Family Memoirs of the Rev. William Stukeley, M.D. and the Antiquarian and other Correspondence of William Stukeley, Roger & Samuel Gale, etc, vol 3, Surtees Society, 80 (Durham, 1887) [accessed 29 Aug 2012]
Warburton, J, A New and Correct Map of the County of York in All its Divisions (London, 1720) [copy in Bodleian Library, Oxford]
Young, G, History of Whitby and Streoneshalh Abbey (Whitby, 1817) [accessed 29 Aug 2012]
Modern Research
Hayes, RH and Rutter, JG, Wade’s Causeway: A Roman Road in North-East Yorkshire, Scarborough and District Archaeological Society Research Report 4 (Scarborough, 1964)
Vyner, B, ‘Wade’s Causeway and the Wheeldale Moor linear monument: the end of the Roman road?’ (in prep) [article deconstructing the case for the monument being a Roman road and advancing an alternative proposal for a prehistoric origin]
Fitts, RL, ‘Lease Rigg Roman Fort: the excavations of 1976–80’, in SS Frere and RL Fitts, Excavations at Bowes and Lease Rigg Roman Fort, Yorkshire Archaeological Report 6 (Leeds, 2009), 205–84 [includes discussion of the possible Roman road in relation to Lease Rigg]
Published Secondary Sources
Davies, H, Roman Roads in Britain (Botley, 2008) [accepts the identification as a Roman road]
Inman, R, ‘Romano-British settlement in the south Tees basin’, in Recent Research in Roman Yorkshire: Studies in Honour of Mary Kitson Clark, ed J Price and PR Wilson, British Archaeological Reports British Series 193 (Oxford, 1988), 219–34 [includes the suggestion that the possible road extends from the Esk valley towards Guisborough]
Margary, ID, Roman Roads in Britain, 3rd edn (London, 1973) [includes a description of the possible road within a volume that covers all of the (then) known Roman roads]
Wilson, P, ‘To build or not to build? Presenting Roman sites in Britain’, in Schutzbauten und Rekonstruktionen in der Archäologie, ed M Müller, T Otten and U Wulf-Rheidt, Xantener Berichte 19 (Xanten, 2011), 263–74 [discusses the impact of 20th-century maintenance of the monument]
Unpublished Report
Blood, K and Markham, P, ‘Wade’s Causeway’ [report and survey], unpublished report for English Heritage, 1992