Carrawburgh Roman Fort and Temple of Mithras - Hadrian's Wall

Carrawburgh Roman Fort Collection Highlights

Much of the material that English Heritage cares for from Carrawburgh is part of the Clayton Collection, which is displayed at Chesters Roman Fort. The fort was owned by John Clayton, who excavated there between 1871 and 1876, discovering the shrine now known as Coventina’s Well in 1876. The material from the shrine consists of more than 20 altars, about 16,000 coins and a range of other offerings to the goddess Coventina.

Apart from the finds from Coventina’s Well, the English Heritage collection from Carrawburgh is dominated by stonework such as altars and tombstones, together with a small amount of material discovered in the bath-house, south of the fort. Other institutions hold finds from later excavations of the mithraeum and the bath-house.

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