Tintagel Castle

School Visits

With a history stretching as far back as the Romans, and the ruins of a medieval castle to explore, Tintagel Castle is an ideal destination for inspirational learning.

"Enjoyed the fantastic scenery and the stories and I’m sure that most will return again and again!"

KS2 Teacher
Wadebridge, Cornwall

Curriculum links

  • KS1-3 History: Local History Study
  • KS1 History: How people's lives have shaped this nation and how Britain has influenced and been influenced by the wider world.
  • KS2 History: How several aspects of national history are reflected in the locality, a study of history or a site dating from a period beyond 1066 significant in the locality.
  • KS3 History: Development of Church, state and society in Medieval Britain 1066-1509, ideas, political power, industry and empire in Britain 1745-1901.

Free Self-led Visits

Standing half on the mainland and half on a jagged headland projecting into the Atlantic, Tintagel Castle is one of the most spectacular historic sites in Britain. Its association with King Arthur also makes it one of the most famous, although the history of the site stretches back centuries before the first tales of Arthur. Use our downlaodable Hazard Information sheet below, to help you plan your trip. 

Enquire now

Plan Your Visit

We have a wide range of materials to support your visit and make school trip planning easy. You can find all our site-specific information and tools below, and further information on our what to expect page

Download our free resources to help you make the most out of your visit and create unique learning experiences before, during and after your trip. We also offer free planning visits once you have made a booking, plus a 20% discount on the official English Heritage guidebook for your place of choice.

Once you book your visit you’ll be sent a visit permit, which you’ll need to bring with you on the day.

Visit our bookings page to start planning your trip! 


  • Facilities
    • TINTAGEL CASTLE: The footbridge is open for you to cross onto Tintagel Island, and the island walk is open. There is a one-way route on and off the island with visitors leaving via 140 steep steps. The beach & Merlin's Cave are open (depending on tide times). Please be aware of the narrow paths and stairways require. We recommend giving yourself at least 30 minutes to walk from the village car parks to the footbridge entrance.
    • PARKING: There is no parking or vehicular access on to the site. Car and coach parking is available in Tintagel village – charges apply.
    • EDUCATION ROOM: There is indoor space available for bag storage only.
    • TOILETS: There is a long hill walk if students want to access toilets before their entrance to the castle. There are public toilets in the village.
    • LUNCH: You are welcome to bring a picnic; there are plenty of grassed areas around the site. The cafe will be open for refreshments.
    • SHOP: The shop sells a range of English Heritage gifts and souvenirs. Please bring your students in supervised small groups.

    Site Map

    Tintagel Site Map

  • Hazard Information

    A useful tool to help with your risk assessments.

    You must meet the following ratios for leaders to students on the day of your visit when booking, and if your group is forming smaller groups while at the site:

    • Ages 4-5 (UK Reception) 1 leader for every 4 students (1:4)
    • Ages 5-7 (UK Key Stage 1) 1 leader for every 6 students (1:6)
    • Ages 7-11 (UK Key Stage 2) 1 leader for every 10 students (1:10) and
    • Ages 11-18 (UK Key Stages 3, 4, and 5) 1 leader for every 15 students (1:15)
    • For an adult learning group, consisting of individuals all over the age of 18, there are no ratios but there must be an appointed group leader
    • All ratios outlined above apply to home education groups
    • If your group consists of children aged 3 and/or 4, you must also refer to the Early Years and Foundation Stage Statutory Framework which sets out specific legal requirements for minimum ratios for this age group, to include requirements about the qualifications of the leaders
    • SEND groups must meet the minimum ratios above but may bring any additional leaders as required to adequately support their group
  • Education Site Opening Times

    We offer free self-led education visits during school term time*

    *Free education visits are not offered on UK public holidays or during the operation of additional fee paying public events at English Heritage sites.

    • 31 March-28 September: Monday-Sunday 10-6pm
    • 29 September-3 November: Monday-Sunday 10-5pm
    • 4 November-30 November: Wednesday-Sunday 10-4pm
    • 1 December-24 December: Friday-Sunday 10-4pm
    • 26 December-1 January: Monday-Sunday 10-4pm
    • 2 January-16 February: Friday-Sunday 10-4pm
    • 17 February-23 February: Monday-Sunday 10-4pm
    • 24 February-31 March: Wednesday-Sunday 10-4pm

Learning Resources

  • Tintagel Castle Teachers' Kit (KS1-KS4+)

    Our Teachers’ Kits feature historical information and activity suggestions for group leaders of various subjects and key stages.

  • Tintagel Castle Teachers' Kit (French)

    A French translation of our Tintagel Teachers' Kit. 

  • Teaching Medieval History

    Use historical information, learning activities and tips from our historians, curators and educational experts to support your teaching of medieval history.

  • A Mini Guide to Castles

    ​Discover how castles developed over time with this short introduction.

  • Did King Arthur Really Exist?

    Discover the legend and mystery around the character of King Arthur in this short animation.

  • The Making of Tintagel Bridge

    Find out more about how the footbridge at Tintagel was designed and built.