Illustration of a Saxon and a Viking warrior fighting


Saxons and Vikings

(AD 410 - 1066)

After the Romans left Britain in about AD 410, the people living here were left to look after themselves. Soon, new groups arrived from central Europe, including Saxons, Angles, Jutes and Frisians. They settled and formed a series of new kingdoms (the most important ones were East Anglia, Wessex, Mercia and Northumbria), as well as a new language and identity. They became known as the Anglo-Saxons.

However, the Vikings in Scandinavia also had their eye on Britain. Scroll down to find out what happened when they invaded, what life was like for an Anglo-Saxon and much more!

What was life like for the Saxons?

Meet Eadig, a servant at Whitby Abbey in the Saxon kingdom of Northumbria (North Yorkshire today) in AD 664.

What happened when the Vikings came to England?

The Vikings raided, pirated, traded and settled in places throughout Europe and beyond. They have an important part to play in the history of England too – but who were these people, and how did they first come to our shores?

Discover the story
Image: illustration of an Anglo-Saxon feast

What did the Anglo-Saxons eat?

Time to put on your best tunic and belt – you’ve been invited to an Anglo-Saxon king’s hall for a grand feast! Although ordinary people would have to make do with bread and stews made from wheat, oats and vegetables, at feasts guests could eat and drink the very best food on offer, including fine meats and cheeses. Let’s take a closer look at what's for dinner.

Join the feast
A view of Tintagel Castle showing the stone ruins, new bridge connecting the island to the mainland and steps up to the ruins

Tintagel: King Arthur's castle?

Tintagel Castle in Cornwall is associated with the legend of King Arthur. But who really lived there in the past? Read this page to look beyond the myths, and find out what archaeological discoveries can tell us about life in Cornwall after the Romans left.

Dig deeper into the past

Quiz time!

It’s 1,200 years ago and your Saxon village is about to be invaded by fierce warriors from Scandinavia known as the Vikings - will you survive? Plus, test your knowledge with our super saxons quiz!

Meeting Osmund

Meet an Anglo-Saxon warrior!

We sent young Members Tom and Hana Ellingham to Offa's Dyke to meet Osmund the Anglo-Saxon warrior, as he patrols the border of this great frontier earthwork built by Offa, King of Mercia from AD757 to AD796. Watch the video to discover how Saxons made their weapons, who they worshipped, what clothes they wore and why they probably had terrible breath!

Watch the video

Read Kids Rule! online

Read issues 3 and 15 of Kids Rule! magazine to learn about life for the Anglo-Saxons, see if you could survive a Viking raid, find out what the Saxons ate for dinner and much more!

The Kids Rule! magazine series follows the history of England, to help you discover more about the past through fun facts, illustrated stories, games, puzzles and competitions.

Colour an Anglo-Saxon poster!

We've created a series of posters showing how people lived in England through time, like this one showing life in an Anglo-Saxon settlement. Download them all from our Kids Rule! pages to create your own mega timeline of English history!

Download your poster