

Help protect England's Heritage

Our new fundraising appeal will help support vital conservation work at historic sites across the country.

At English Heritage conserving our sites for the future is one of our biggest responsibilities.

Since we became a charity in 2015 we've been working hard to look after the 400 historic places and 500,000 objects in our care - but we need your help.

We've therefore launched our Conservation Appeal to help support this vital work and safeguard our historic places for future generations. .

How your support helps

Thanks to the support of our members and visitors we have already managed to uncover a number of fragile maps and beautiful hand-painted murals at Eltham Palace, which had been hidden behind wallpaper for decades.

We've also opened a new museum at Rievaulx Abbey to tell the story of one of the most important monasteries in England. But there is so much more to do.

Urgent conservation work is taking place across the country, including fixing masonry at Porchester Castle, cleaning and conserving 18th century portraits at Brodsworth Hall, repairing the walls at Richmond Castle and completely restoring Iron Bridge, an icon of the Industrial Revolution.

Luke Purser, Development Director, said "The level of expertise required just to keep on top of the maintenance and conservation of our sites and their collections is amazing. We're undertaking the biggest conservation and improvement programme in our history to ensure that our heritage survives to educate and inspire this and future generations."

Support Conservation

Without ongoing protection, the unique castles, monuments and historic buildings that tell the stories of our nation will be lost forever.

Find out how you can help support our work here.

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