Teaching resources

Teaching and Learning Resources Library

Our learning resources are free educational tools packed with everything you need to give your learners a deep insight into the history of our places. Our team of qualified teachers, educational experts and historians have developed over 100 resources to choose from, each tied to curriculum learning.

Here you can browse all our learning resources by period, key stage and region.

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You may also like A Mini Guide to Medieval Castles

Watch this short animation to discover how castles developed during the middle ages. We trace their evolution from early motte and bailey castles in Norman times to the sophisticated structures of the late medieval period, and explain why castles were as much about status as defence.

Watch this short animation to discover how castles developed during the middle ages. We trace their evolution from early motte and bailey castles in Norman times to the sophisticated structures of the late medieval period, and explain why castles were as much about status as defence.

You may also like A Mini Guide to Medieval Monks

There were many different religious communities in medieval Britain. Many of English Heritage’s religious sites were once home to one of the four major monastic movements – the Benedictines, Cluniacs, Carthusians and Cistercians. But do you know the difference between these religious orders? Watch this animation to find out more.

There were many different religious communities in medieval Britain. Many of English Heritage’s religious sites were once home to one of the four major monastic movements – the Benedictines, Cluniacs, Carthusians and Cistercians. But do you know the difference between these religious orders? Watch this animation to find out more.

You may also like A Mini Guide to Prehistoric Monuments

Scattered across the English landscape are hundreds of prehistoric monuments, spanning almost four millennia. Can you tell a henge from a hillfort? What was a stone circle used for? What’s the difference between a long barrow and a round barrow? Watch this animation to discover the answers to these and many other questions about England’s prehistoric monuments.

Scattered across the English landscape are hundreds of prehistoric monuments, spanning almost four millennia. Can you tell a henge from a hillfort? What was a stone circle used for? What’s the difference between a long barrow and a round barrow? Watch this animation to discover the answers to these and many other questions about England’s prehistoric monuments.

You may also like Battle of Hastings 1066 | Live Schools Event With Dan Snow

To mark the 950th anniversary of the Battle of Hastings, pupils from across the country put their 1066 questions to Dan Snow in our live schools event from Battle Abbey.

To mark the 950th anniversary of the Battle of Hastings, pupils from across the country put their 1066 questions to Dan Snow in our live schools event from Battle Abbey.

You may also like What Was Life Like? Episode 1 : Prehistory: Meet a Prehistoric Flint Miner

We sent young Members Flo and Alfie Tyrrell to quiz prehistoric expert Will Lord, and find out what life was like at a prehistoric flint mine at Grime's Graves in Norfolk.

We sent young Members Flo and Alfie Tyrrell to quiz prehistoric expert Will Lord, and find out what life was like at a prehistoric flint mine at Grime's Graves in Norfolk.

You may also like What Was Life Like? Episode 2: Romans | Meet a Roman Legionary

English Heritage members Amy and Peter head up to Hadrian's Wall to meet Marcus, a Roman legionary. They find our what life was like on the frontier of the Roman Empire.

English Heritage members Amy and Peter head up to Hadrian's Wall to meet Marcus, a Roman legionary. They find our what life was like on the frontier of the Roman Empire.

You may also like What Was Life Like? Episode 3: Anglo-Saxons | Meet an Anglo-Saxon Warrior

We follow young English Heritage Members, Tom and Hana Ellingham as they visit Offa's Dyke on the Anglo-Welsh border to interview Osmund - the Anglo-Saxon Warrior. Discover what life was like at this great frontier earthwork built by Offa, King of Mercia from AD757 to AD769, how the Saxons made their weapons, who they worshiped, what clothes they worse and why there probably had terrible breath!

We follow young English Heritage Members, Tom and Hana Ellingham as they visit Offa's Dyke on the Anglo-Welsh border to interview Osmund - the Anglo-Saxon Warrior. Discover what life was like at this great frontier earthwork built by Offa, King of Mercia from AD757 to AD769, how the Saxons made their weapons, who they worshiped, what clothes they worse and why there probably had terrible breath!

You may also like What Was Life Like? Episode 4: Normans | Meet William the Conqueror and King Harold

We sent young English Heritage Member Will back in time to interview King Harold and William the Conqueror to find out about why they went to war in the Battle of Hastings in 1066. Discover why both men thought they were the rightful heir to the English throne, the events leading up to battle and how they (and their armies) planned to win.

We sent young English Heritage Member Will back in time to interview King Harold and William the Conqueror to find out about why they went to war in the Battle of Hastings in 1066. Discover why both men thought they were the rightful heir to the English throne, the events leading up to battle and how they (and their armies) planned to win.

You may also like What Was Life Life? Episode 5: Medieval | Meet a Medieval Monk

Young English Heritage Members Emily and Sam visit Rievaulx Abbey in North Yorkshire to meet St Aelred, its most famous abbot, to discover what life was like in this Cistercian monastery. Find out what the monks used to eat, how they dressed and why they communicated using sign language.

Young English Heritage Members Emily and Sam visit Rievaulx Abbey in North Yorkshire to meet St Aelred, its most famous abbot, to discover what life was like in this Cistercian monastery. Find out what the monks used to eat, how they dressed and why they communicated using sign language.

You may also like What Was Life Like? Episode 6: Castles | Meet a Medieval Noblewoman

Follow young English Heritage Members, Felicity and Olivia, on their visit to Framlingham Castle, in Suffolk, to learn all about the life of a medieval noblewoman. Find out what life was like in a medieval castle, how noblewomen behaved, dressed and learnt good table manners.

Follow young English Heritage Members, Felicity and Olivia, on their visit to Framlingham Castle, in Suffolk, to learn all about the life of a medieval noblewoman. Find out what life was like in a medieval castle, how noblewomen behaved, dressed and learnt good table manners.

You may also like What Was Life Like? Episode 7: Tudors | Meet a Tudor Cook

Experience what it was like to cook in a Tudor kitchen, through the eyes of young English Heritage Members’ Adham and Olivia. They go inside the grounds of Gainsborough Old Hall to meet Tudor cook, Thomas Griffin, cook to Lord William of Burgh, to find out what life was like working in a Tudor kitchen.

Experience what it was like to cook in a Tudor kitchen, through the eyes of young English Heritage Members’ Adham and Olivia. They go inside the grounds of Gainsborough Old Hall to meet Tudor cook, Thomas Griffin, cook to Lord William of Burgh, to find out what life was like working in a Tudor kitchen.

You may also like Harold vs William

The Battle of Hastings is a well-known event in history, but why was there a succession crisis in England in 1066 and who had the strongest claim to the English throne – Harold Godwinson or William of Normandy?

The Battle of Hastings is a well-known event in history, but why was there a succession crisis in England in 1066 and who had the strongest claim to the English throne – Harold Godwinson or William of Normandy?

You may also like Why William Won at the Battle of Hastings

What exactly happened at the Battle of Hastings and how did the Normans defeat the Saxons?

What exactly happened at the Battle of Hastings and how did the Normans defeat the Saxons?

You may also like How to Make A Cardboard Sword

Learn how to make a cardboard sword before you go on a day out to one of our historic places.

Learn how to make a cardboard sword before you go on a day out to one of our historic places.

You may also like How to Make a Cardboard Shield

Learn how to make a cardboard shield before you go on a day out to one of our historic places.

Learn how to make a cardboard shield before you go on a day out to one of our historic places.

A Mini Guide to Medieval Castles
A Mini Guide to Medieval Monks
A Mini Guide to Prehistoric Monuments
Battle of Hastings 1066 | Live Schools Event With Dan Snow
What Was Life Like? Episode 1 : Prehistory: Meet a Prehistoric Flint Miner
What Was Life Like? Episode 2: Romans | Meet a Roman Legionary
What Was Life Like? Episode 3: Anglo-Saxons | Meet an Anglo-Saxon Warrior
What Was Life Like? Episode 4: Normans | Meet William the Conqueror and King Harold
What Was Life Life? Episode 5: Medieval | Meet a Medieval Monk
What Was Life Like? Episode 6: Castles | Meet a Medieval Noblewoman
What Was Life Like? Episode 7: Tudors | Meet a Tudor Cook
Harold vs William
Why William Won at the Battle of Hastings
How to Make A Cardboard Sword
How to Make a Cardboard Shield

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